
Ägypten und Levante XXII/XXIII / Egypt and the Levant XXII/XXIII (2012/2013)

Ägypten und Levante XXII/XXIII / Egypt and the Levant XXII/XXIII (2012/2013)
Internationale Zeitschrift für ägyptische Archäologie und deren Nachbargebiete International Journal for Egyptian Archaeology and Related Disciplines
Year of the volume:
1. Auflage, 2014
M. Bietak, Vorwort für das Herausgebergremium/Preface for the Editorial Board M. Bietak, N. Math, V. Müller, C. Jurman, Report on the excavations of a Hyksos Palace at Tell el-Dab`a/Avaris (23rd August–15th November 2011) I. Forstner-Müller, P. Rose, Grabungen des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo in Tell el-Dab`a/Avaris: Das Areal R/III. 1. Vorbericht (Herbst 2010 bis Frühjahr 2011) Ch. Reali, The Seal Impressions from `Ezbet Rushdi, Area R/III of Tell el-Dab`a: Preliminary Report M. Marée, Comments on two Tell el-Dab`a sealings M. Lehmann, Vorbericht über die Grabungstätigkeiten der Frühjahrskampagne 2011 im Areal A/I von Tell el-Dab`a F. van Koppen, M. Lehmann, A cuneiform sealing from Tell el-Dab`a and its historical context D. Collon, M. Lehmann, S.E.M. Müller, Tell el-Dab`a Sealings 2009–2011 J. Kriwet, M. Lehmann, Ein Knorpelfischrest aus der ptolemäischen Siedlung in Tell el-Dab`a, Ägypten S.E.M. Müller, Rettungsgrabung `Ezbet Ruschdi/Tell el-Dab`a (Areal R/II), Vorbericht über die Grabungskampagnen 2008/2009 M. Bietak, C. v. Rüden, J. Becker, J. Jungfleisch, L. Morgan, E. Peintner, Preliminary Report of the Tell el-Dab`a Wall Painting Project – Season 2011/2012 J. Becker, J. Jungfleisch, C. v. Rüden, From Small Fragments to Large Animals. A Large-Scale Animal Fight in ‘Palace F’ at Tell el-Dab`a J. Budka, F. Doyen, Life in New Kingdom towns in Upper Nubia – New evidence from recent excavations on Sai Island J. Budka, T. Mekis, M.-C. Bruwier, Reuse of Saite temple tombs in the Asasif during the early Ptolemaic time – the tomb group of Mw.t-Mnw from TT 414 S. Rzepka, M. Nour el-Din, A. Wodzinska, L. Jarmuzek, Egyptian Mission Rescue Excavations in Tell el-Retaba. Part 1: New Kingdom Remains D. Aston, Radiocarbon, Wine Jars and New Kingdom Chronology A. Ben-Tor, A Decorated Box in the Collections of the Bible Lands Museum, Jerusalem E. Braun, A Note on Relations between the Southern Levant and Egypt during Early Dynasty 0 G. Broekman, Manetho’s ‘three other kings’ between Osorthôn and Takelôthis, and their importance for the chronology of the Third Intermediate Period and the New Kingdom O. Goldwasser, Out of the mists of the alphabet: Redrawing the “Brother of the Ruler of Retjenu” J. Mynárová, North or South? A Note on the Provenance of EA 220 H. Tronchère, B. Millet, J.-P. Goiran, P. Carbonel, H. Djerbi, R. Vera, M. Torab, M. Elassal, Y. Callot, Geoarchaeological results from the harbor of Taposiris and implications concerning the construction of the harbor B. Vanthuyne, Amarna factories, workshops, faience moulds and their produce U. Zevulun, I. Ziffer, Back from the Hunt: A Pictorial Tell el-Yahudiyeh Juglet in the Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv
available as


Page 9 - 12
0,00 €

Vorwort für das Herausgebergremium/Preface for the Editorial Board
Page 13 - 16
0,00 €

Report on the excavations of a Hyksos Palace at Tell el-Dab`a/Avaris (23rd August–15th November 2011)
Manfred Bietak - Nicola Ch. Math - Vera Müller - Claus Jurman
Page 17 - 54
0,00 €
Open Access

Grabungen des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo in Tell el-Dab`a/Avaris: Das Areal R/III. 1. Vorbericht (Herbst 2010 bis Frühjahr 2011)
Page 55 - 66
0,00 €
Open Access

The Seal Impressions from `Ezbet Rushdi, Area R/III of Tell el-Dab`a: Preliminary Report
Chiara Reali
Page 67 - 74
0,00 €
Open Access

Comments on two Tell el-Dab`a sealings
Marcel Mareé
Page 75 - 78
0,00 €
Open Access

Vorbericht über die Grabungstätigkeiten der Frühjahrskampagne 2011 im Areal A/I von Tell el-Dab`a
Page 79 - 90
0,00 €
Open Access

A cuneiform sealing from Tell el-Dab`a and its historical context
Frans van Koppen - Manuela Lehmann
Page 91 - 94
0,00 €
Open Access

Tell el-Dab`a Sealings 2009–2011
Dominique Collon - Manuela Lehmann - Sandra E. M. Müller
Page 95 - 104
0,00 €
Open Access

Ein Knorpelfischrest aus der ptolemäischen Siedlung in Tell el-Dab`a, Ägypten
Jürgen Kriwet - Manuela Lehmann
Page 105 - 108
0,00 €
Open Access

Rettungsgrabung `Ezbet Ruschdi/Tell el-Dab`a (Areal R/II), Vorbericht über die Grabungskampagnen 2008/2009
Sandra E. M. Müller
Page 109 - 130
0,00 €
Open Access

Preliminary Report of the Tell el-Dab`a Wall Painting Project – Season 2011/2012
Manfred Bietak - Constance von Rüden - Jörg Becker - Johannes Jungfleisch - Lyvia Morgan - Erico Peintner
Page 131 - 148
0,00 €
Open Access

From Small Fragments to Large Animals. A Large-Scale Animal Fight in ‘Palace F’ at Tell el-Dab`a
Jörg Becker - Johannes Jungfleisch - Constance von Rüden
Page 149 - 166
0,00 €
Open Access

Life in New Kingdom towns in Upper Nubia – New evidence from recent excavations on Sai Island
Page 167 - 208
0,00 €
Open Access

Reuse of Saite temple tombs in the Asasif during the early Ptolemaic time – the tomb group of Mw.t-Mnw from TT 414
Julia Budka - Tamás Mekis - Marie-Cécile Bruwier
Page 209 - 252
0,00 €
Open Access

Egyptian Mission Rescue Excavations in Tell el-Retaba. Part 1: New Kingdom Remains
Sławomir Rzepka - Mustafa Nour el-Din - Anna Wodzińska - Łukasz Jarmużek
Page 235 - 288
0,00 €
Open Access

Radiocarbon, Wine Jars and New Kingdom Chronology
Page 289 - 316
0,00 €
Open Access

A Decorated Box in the Collections of the Bible Lands Museum, Jerusalem
Amnon Ben-Tor
Page 317 - 338
0,00 €
Open Access

A Note on Relations between the Southern Levant and Egypt during Early Dynasty 0
Eliot Braun
Page 339 - 348
0,00 €
Open Access

Manetho’s ‘three other kings’ between Osorthôn and Takelôthis, and their importance for the chronology of the Third Intermediate Period and the New Kingdom
Gerard P.F. Broekman
Page 349 - 352
0,00 €
Open Access

Out of the mists of the alphabet: Redrawing the “Brother of the Ruler of Retjenu”
Orly Goldwasser
Page 353 - 374
0,00 €
Open Access

North or South? A Note on the Provenance of EA 220
Jana Mynářová
Page 375 - 382
0,00 €
Open Access

Geoarchaeological results from the harbor of Taposiris and implications concerning the construction of the harbor
Hervé Tronchère - Bertrand Millet - Jean-Philippe Goiran - Pierre Carbonel - Hatem Djerbi - R. Vera - Magdy Torab - Mena Elassal - Yann Callot
Page 383 - 394
0,00 €
Open Access

Amarna factories, workshops, faience moulds and their produce
Bart Vanthuyne
Page 395 - 430
0,00 €
Open Access

Back from the Hunt: A Pictorial Tell el-Yahudiyeh Juglet in the Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv
Uza Zevulun - Irit Ziffer
Page 431 - 447
0,00 €
Open Access

978-3-7001-7532-2, Journal, softcover, 24.04.2014
978-3-7001-7646-6, eJournal, PDF, limited accessibility, 24.04.2014
1. Auflage
447 Pages
DOI (Link to Online Edition):

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