

Current issue
Sprachkunst – Beiträge zur Literaturwissenschaft, Jahrgang LIV/2023, 2. Halbband
Beiträge zur Literaturwissenschaft

The very name “Sprachkunst”, meaning literary artistry, identifies the key issue that the articles from the field of literary studies in the journal address. One of the traditions of philology has concentrated on the various forms of artistic use of language and poetological topics. Nowadays the journal is issued on the understanding that this tradition can be combined productively with current paradigms from modern literary studies in order to analyse the critical meaning of literature on the basis of the text. The journal, which has been published twice a year by the Austrian Academy of Sciences since 1970, primarily deals with German-language and European literature. Articles can be published in German, English and French. Alongside the literary studies essays, the journal includes reviews of specialist literature and reports on research and from conferences, as well as indexes of literary studies dissertations and the award of higher education teaching qualifications (habilitation) at Austrian universities.

Indexed by: Crossref, ERIH PLUS, SCOPUS

ISSN Print: 0038-8483 | ISSN Online: 1727-6993

Journal Homepage

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101 Matches
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