
Sprachkunst ‒ Beiträge zur Literaturwissenschaft, Jahrgang LI/2020, 2. Halbband

Sprachkunst ‒ Beiträge zur Literaturwissenschaft, Jahrgang LI/2020, 2. Halbband
Literarische Antisemitismus in Zentral- und Ostmitteleuropa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
Year of the volume:
1. Auflage, 2021
"Sprachkunst" is an Austrian periodical for literary studies. As an international forum for the publication of articles on literary history and poetics it also includes critical discussions and scholarly reviews; in addition, literary dissertations and Habilitationsschriften at Austrian universities are annually listed in summarised form. The accepted languages for publication are German, English, French or Russian. "Sprachkunst" endeavours to mediate between different literatures and schools of research.
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Literarischer Antisemitismus in Zentral- und Ostmitteleuropa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
0,00 €
Open Access

„… DASS SIE DIE JUDEN SO HASSEN" Säkulare Judenfeindschaft in Jeremias Gotthelfs -Uli, der Knecht-
“... that you hate Jews so much”: Secular hostility towards Jews in Jeremias Gotthelf’s ›Uli, the farmhand‹. In Jeremias Gotthelf’s best-selling novel ›Uli, der Knecht‹, hostility towards Jews is more pronounced than research until now recognized. The „Baumwollenhändler“, an important opponent of the main character, has to be a converted Jew. In a proto racist manner, the narrator attributes relevant stereotypes to the merchant despite the supposable conversion – thereby documenting the dawn of biologically arguing hostility towards Jews.
Roland Reichen
0,00 €
Open Access

Die Verneinung der Herkunft Egon Friedells idealistischer Antisemitismus
The negation of the origin: Egon Friedell’s idealistic anti-Semitism. If, on the one hand, research accuses Egon Friedell of “vehement hatred of Jews” and, on the other hand, apologetically denies his anti-Semitism, this reflects Friedell’s ambivalent attitude: he combines the long-lasting anti-Jewish discourse with modern racial theories, while at the same time asserting the idealistic sovereignty of the individual. By intensifying such antinomies typical of the time in an aphoristic manner, Friedell makes them productive for the style and rhetoric of artistic cultural historiography.
Roland Innerhofer
0,00 €
Open Access

„Bis zur Grenze des Tragbaren“. Zur Geschichte der Kritik am Antisemitismus im Feuilleton des ›Pester Lloyd‹ 1933 bis 1944
“At the limit of tolerability”: On the history of criticism of anti-Semitism in the feuilleton of ›Pester Lloyd‹ 1933–1944. When Siegfried Brachfeld’s dissertation on the last decade of the most influential Germanlanguage newspaper in Hungary appeared in 1971, a turning point in the cultural and scientific debate about anti-Semitism became apparent. A contemporary contextualisation of the only academic work by the popular entertainer constitutes the starting point for an inspection of the reception of literary antisemitism in Hungarian fiction with the help of random samples from ›Pester Lloyd‹.
Amália Kerekes
0,00 €
Open Access

„Und hätte man gleich den letzten Rassejuden aus der Welt geschafft“. Überblick und bisher Verborgenes zu Heimito von Doderers Antisemitismus
“And if the last racial Jew had been eliminated from the world”: Overview and previously hiddeninformation on Heimito von Doderer’s anti-Semitism.The article provides an overview of the anti-Semitism of the Austrian novelist Heimito vonDoderer (1896–1966). It presents his anti-Semitic novel project ›The Demons of the Ostmark‹,which was pursued in the 1930s, and shows problematic passages in texts after 1945 as well. Inaddition, explanations for also recognizable philo-Semitic traces are sought. A reading of the asyet unpublished ›Speech about the Jews‹ (1936) provides explosive results.
Stefan Winterstein
0,00 €
Open Access

Wer schmarotzt an wem? Zur Umcodierung eines zentralen antisemitischen Stereotyps im Werk des slowakischen Schriftstellers František Švantner
Who is parasitizing on whom? On the recoding of a central anti-Semitic stereotype in the fictionalwork of the Slovak writer František Švantner.The article deals with the peculiarities of literary anti-Semitism in the context of Slovak literature.Taking into account more recent approaches that emphasize the impermanence andchangeability of central anti-Semitic stereotypes, the transformation and philo-Semitic recodingof the stereotype of the ‘Jewish usurer’ in the work of the Slovak writer František Švantnerare worked out.
0,00 €
Open Access

Instrumentelle Indienstnahme, stereotype Sinnstiftung: Konstellationen des literarischen Antisemitismus in der Literatur der DDR
Instrumentalization and stereotypical sensemaking: Constellations of literary anti-Semitism in EastGerman literature.The article explores constellations of literary anti-Semitism in the literature of the GDR, focusingon depictions of the National Socialist extermination of the Jews. Using Bruno Apitz’snovella ›Esther‹ and Rolf Schneider’s folk play ›Die Geschichte vom Moischele‹ as examples,forms of instrumentalization and stereotyping of the Jewish are examined.
Anja Thiele
0,00 €
Open Access

Verzeichnis der literaturwissenschaftlichen Dissertationen an osterreichischen Universitäten
Page 145 - 152
0,00 €

Biography – a play? Poetologische Experimente mit einer Gattung ohne Poetik, hrsg. von Günter Blamberger, Rüdiger Görner und Adrian Robanus
Nicolai Busch
0,00 €
Open Access

978-3-7001-8856-8, Journal, softcover, 22.01.2021
978-3-7001-8869-8, eJournal, PDF, limited accessibility, 22.01.2021
1. Auflage
159 Pages
DOI (Link to Online Edition):

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