
The Bronze Age in the Lebanon

The Bronze Age in the Lebanon
Studies on the Archaeology and Chronology of Lebanon, Syria and Egypt
1. Auflage, 2008
The volume offers a selection of scholarly articles that present both new data and its interpretations and a reanalysis and synthesis of already existing data, ranging from the Early Bronze Age through the beginning of the Late Bronze Age. In geographical terms, the regions listed in its subtitle are the heart of the volume, but there are also important implications for the archaeology of the southern Levant, the Aegean, Cyprus and Anatolia. Thematically, the volume concerns cross-cultural connections and chronology, and their reciprocal relationship. The team working on the finds from Tell Dab’a presents a number of important syntheses. D. Aston's contribution offers a summary of the scholarship on the so-called Tell el-Yahudiyeh pottery, which is a crucial marker for synchronizing Egypt, the Levant, and Cyprus. K. Kopetzky's presentation of the Hyksos period pottery is a long-awaited summary of the key site for this subject. R. Scheistl discusses the local and foreign attributes in the mortuary tradition at Tell Daba. I. Forstner-Müller's presentation of a scimitar from 13th dynasty Tell Daba demonstrates the adoption of broader Mesopotamian weapons and martial symbols among Egyptianized Asiatics in the Delta. From the Lebanon, C. Doumet –Serhal's report on the excavations at Sidon offers a glimpse into the ground-breaking discoveries this site offers and will likely continue to produce for understanding the Early and Middle Bronze Age trade in the eastern Mediterranean and its relations to the Aegean. The latter is expanded upon by MacGillivray's discussion of what may be among the earliest Minoan import to the Levant. Y.M. Bou-Assaf discusses the architectural traditions of Byblos, which is complemented by J.P. Thalmann's synchronization of this site with his own excavations at Tell Arqa. A welcome summary is R. Pruzsinszky's and M. Heinz' discussion of the rare Levantine assemblage of cuneiform texts from Kamid el-Loz. P. Fischer's article on an enigmatic coastal (from Beirut?) import to the Jordan Valley is a case study on the interdisciplinary application of typology and petrography to long-distance trade. Three contributions from the Italian team excavating at Tell Mishrifeh/Qatna by Iamoni, Luciani, and Morandi-Bonacossi, treat the local simple ware, decorated and imported ware, and the Early Bronze-Middle Bronze Age transition, respectively. Lastly, relations between Syria and the eastern Mediterranean world (specifically Egypt) is underscored by Lagarce and Puytison-Lagarce in their article on the finds from Ras Ibn-Hani, one of Ugarit's ports.
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Page 7 - 8
0,00 €
Open Access

Preface by the Editors
Page 9 - 10
0,00 €

The British Museum Excavation at Sidon: Markers for the Chronology of the Early and Middle Bronze Age in Lebanon
Page 11 - 44
0,00 €
Open Access

The Minoan Sidon Cup
Page 45 - 50
0,00 €
Open Access

Organisation architecturale á Byblos (Liban) au Bronze Aneien
Page 51 - 60
0,00 €
Open Access

Tell Arqa et Byblos, essai de corrélation
Jean-Paul Thalmann
Page 61 - 78
0,00 €
Open Access

The Texts from Kamid el-Loz and their Chronological Implications
Page 79 - 86
0,00 €
Open Access

A Middle Bronze Age III Jug from the Lebanese Coast at Tell Abu al-Kharaz, Jordan Valley
Page 87 - 92
0,00 €
Open Access

The MB II and Late Bronze Age Simple Ware from Tell Mishrifeh/Qatna
Marco Iamoni
Page 93 - 114
0,00 €
Open Access

The Late MB to Early LBA in Qatna with Special Emphasis on Decorated and Imported Pottery
Page 115 - 126
0,00 €
Open Access

The EB/MB Transition at Tell Mishrifeh: Stratigraphy, Ceramics and Absolute Chronology. A Preliminary Review
Daniele Morandi Bonacossi
Page 127 - 152
0,00 €
Open Access

Remarques sur le matériel égyptien et égyptisant de Ras Shamra (<< Maison aux Albatres >>) et de Ras Ibn Hani á la lumiére de données récentes sur la chronologie de la fin d´Ugarit
Page 153 - 164
0,00 €
Open Access

A History of Tell El-Yahudiyeh Typology
Page 165 - 194
0,00 €
Open Access

The MB IIB-Corpus of the Hyksos Period at Tell el-Dab´a
Page 195 - 242
0,00 €
Open Access

Tomb Types and Layout of a Middle Bronze IIA Cemetery at Tell el Dab´a, Area F/I. Egyptian and Non-Egyptian Features
Page 243 - 256
0,00 €
Open Access

Page 257 - 260
0,00 €
Open Access

978-3-7001-6136-3, Print, softcover, 02.07.2008
978-3-7001-6519-4, eBook, PDF, limited accessibility, 02.07.2008
1. Auflage
256 Pages
DOI (Link to Online Edition):

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