
Journal of Byzantine Studies, Vol. 74/2024 / Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, Band 74/2024

Journal of Byzantine Studies, Vol. 74/2024 / Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, Band 74/2024
1. Auflage, 2025
Band 74 enthält zehn Beiträge, die sich Editionen neuer Texte, Analysen byzantinischer Handschriften und historischen Fragestellungen widmen. Ediert sind ein Compendium zur geometrischen Metrologie (F. Acerbi), ein Brief des Nikolaos Mesarites zur Hochzeit des Theodoros I. Laskaris mit Philippa von Armenien (B. Daskas), eine Rede des Demetrios Chrysoloras auf den Heiligen Demetrios (M. Dessilani), Formulare zur Einsetzung eines „pater pneumatikos“ (Ch. Gastgeber), ein platonischer Traktat des Georgios Pachymeres (P. Golitsis, G. Savoidakis), ein hagiographisches Fragment süditalienischen Ursprungs (G. Rossetto). Speziellen handschriftlichen Schwerpunkten wird nachgegangen, mit Bezug auf „mise en page“ in (antiken) Dramatiker-Codices (M. L. Agati), auf Codex Parisinus graecus 1741 (I. Nesseris) und auf die Überlieferung der Epitome physica des Nikephoros Blemmydes im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert (A. Palla, St. Valente). Kaiserfeierlichkeiten unter den Komnenen werden einer historischen Analyse unterzogen (†E. und M. Jeffreys). Rezensionen zu aktuellen Neuerscheinungen beschließen den Band.
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In memoriam Otto Kresten


Byzantine Geometric Metrology An Overview with an Edition of the Compendium
The article presents an overview of Byzantine geometric metrology and an edition of a complete yet anonymous set of metrological prescriptions, here called the Compendium.
Schlagworte: Byzantine mathematics, Metrology, Stylistic Codes, Byzantine Manuscript Tradition
Fabio Acerbi
10,00 €
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Mise en page nei manoscritti di autori teatrali: Riflessioni e osservazioni critiche su un libro recente
Mise en page in Manuscript of Playwrights: Reflections and Critical Observations on a Recent Book: The article discuss the results of research carried out on a sample of witnesses according to a hybrid methodology between "quantitative" (inductive) and tradiltional (heuristic-deductive). Aimed at ascertaining whether between the 10th and 14th centuries general trends are captured in the evolution of the complex management of the page (between text, commentary, parts in prose and poetry), the research identifies the Palaiologan age as the most significant. The intense editorial activity of the most famous scholars of this age is analyzed, but the conclusions do not correspond to expectations since it seems one cannot talk about innovation or circulating models, but rather (especially for Triclinius) about individual strategies to functionally solve the problem of using the text by their audience.
Schlagworte: Greek manuscripts, Greek Paleography, Greek Codicology, Mise en page, Theatrical manuscripts
Maria Luisa Agati
10,00 €
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Un documento inedito sul matrimonio di Teodoro I Lascaris con Filippa della Cilicia armena
An unpublished Document on the Marriage of Theodore I Lascaris to Philippa of Armenia-Cilicia: The dossier of evidence concerning the marriage of Theodore I Lascaris, Emperor of Nicaea (r. 1205-1221), to the Armenian princess Filippa is now supplemented by a hitherto unpublished document preserved in the codex Ambrosianus F 93 sup (Diktyon 42762), ff. 5r, 1. 26-6v, 1. 17. This document, a letter from Nicholas Mesarites, Metropolitan of Ephesus and Exarch of all Asia, to Demetrius Tornices Comnenus, witnesses the discovery of the fraud regarding the identity ofthe Armenian bride, who was the niece, rather than the daughter, of Leo I, King of Armenia-Cilicia (r. 1199-1219). This contribution provides an edition of the letter along with a commentary that aims to contextualize the marriage within the historical and diplomatic dynamics of the period (c. 1213-1215).
Schlagworte: Leo I, King of Armenia-Cilicia, Theodore I Lascaris, Emperor of Nicaea, Philippa, Daughter of Rupen III, Governor of Armenia-Cilicia, John of Brienne, King of Jerusalem, Fraudulent Marriage
Beatrice Daskas
Seite 87 - 115 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/joeb74s87
10,00 €
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Demetrio Crisolora, Discorso su san Demetrio (BHG 545) Edizione critica, con una prima biografia dell’autore e uno studio delle fonti
Demetrios Chrysoloras, Speech on St Demetrios (BHG 545): Critical Edition, with a First Biography of the Author and a Study of its Sources: Demetrios Chrysoloras (bom before 1360 and dying after 1416) was a rhetor, anti-Latin theologian, close friend of Manuel II Palaiologos, and statesman serving as mesazōn of Thessaloniki from 1403 to 1408 under John VII Palaiologos. Most of his works remain unpublished. In the present article, his speech in honor of St Demetrios of Thessaloniki (BHG 545) is edited and translated, accompanied by a study of its literary sources. This is preceeded by an introduction to the author and his other works, as well as a study of the textual transmission of the speech taking all the extant manuscripts in consideration for the first time.
Schlagworte: Demetrios Chrysoloras, St Demetrios, Thessaloniki, Byzantine Hagiography, Late Palaiologan Era
Matteo Dessilani
Seite 117 - 179 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/joeb74s117
10,00 €
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Formulare zur Einsetzung eines patēr pneumatikos
Forms for the Appointment of a patēr pneumatikos: This article examines the appointment of a patēr pneumatikos and the tasks required of him as indicated in forms. After abbots in the monasteries and priestmonks relieved the bishops of the task of being spiritual father, it was necessary on the one hand (at least for minor delicts) to instruct these pateres pneumatikoi through handbooks containing lists of sins and their punishment, and on the other hand to officially appoint them via a document from the local bishop, metropolitan or even the patriarch. Such documents have been preserved beginning from the 13th century, providing further insight into the chosen persons and their tasks. Although the appointment of patres pneumatikoi was necessary to guarantee the control of Christian life, it triggered new problems regarding respect towards the hierarchical higher authorities and church canons.
Schlagworte: patēr pneumatikos, confession, Confessor, Byzantine documents, Byzantine Canonical Law
Seite 181 - 270 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/joeb74s181
10,00 €
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Unknown Platonic Essays on Love and Beauty by George Pachymeres
This article brings to light a collection of hitherto unknown philosophical texts - three essays and three shorter notes - by George Pachymeres. These texts are preserved in the last folios of the codex Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vind. phil. gr. 150, and were primarily copied by Pachymeres' pupil, Nikephoros Kallistos (or Kallistou) Xanthopoulos. Pachymeres' essays explore the Platonic themes of divine love and moral beauty, including queries about the state of knowledge and virtue in the human soul. They were mainly written in response to Proclus' Commentary on Plato's First Alcibiades but were also inspired by other Platonic dialogues such as the Theaetetus, the Timaeus, the Phaedo and the Phaedrus. Pachymeres' essays testify to the Byzantine reception of Plato from the perspective of a Christian philosopher interested in exploring Hellenic doctrines so as to better understand and teach the true doctrine of Christianity.
Schlagworte: George Pachymeres, Nikephoros Xanthopoulos, Byzantine Reception of Plato
Pantelis Golitsis - Georgios Savoidakis
Seite 271 - 297 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/joeb74s271
10,00 €
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From Chariots to Light in Komnenian Imperia Celebrations (1139 – 1159)
The ways in which the Byzantines celebrated their emperors changed from those in the tenth-century Book of Ceremonies to the fourteenth-century protocols of Pseudo-Kodinos, from chariot-racing to brightly lit imperial appearances with poetic accompaniment. When did this occur? Was it a result of the Latin Empire? When were bright appearances first regularly used for some of the most solemn moments in the imperial calendar? This article answers these questions using poems of “Manganeios Prodromos” (MP). The first evidence dates from 1148, during the Second Crusade: MP poems 21 and 22. The best evidence is from MP poem 4, which is a first-person account of the poet’s participation with Manuel I in a prokypsis (spring, 1150). Many of the Manganeios poems are in the public domain, but in an edition which seems provisional and careless. After examining several other poems and listing some of the many questions that remain, we end by adding one example of another approach, now using material culture, in fact sculpture. The answer to the question set above is “after 1148”, less than a decade after the last poem of Theodore Prodromos which gives no hint of an impending break in the continuity of chariot racing.
Schlagworte: Imperial Celebration, Komnenian Dynasty, Manganeios Prodromos, prokypsis
Elizabeth Jeffreys - Michael E. Jeffreys
Seite 299 - 315 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/joeb74s299
10,00 €
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Codex Parisinus graecus 1741 and the Case of Niketas Skoutariotes
Codex Parisinus gr. 1741 is among the most ancient and significant manuscripts containing works by Aristotle alongside texts of various rhetoricians. Based on one of the two extant ownership entries, it has been established that by the late thirteenth century the manuscript had become the property of the renowned bibliophile Theodore Skoutariotes, having been gifted to him by his close friend, Manuel Angelos. The other entry indicates that at one point, it also belonged to a certain Niketas Skoutariotes, traditionally assumed to be a relative of Theodore’s. This article posits the justifiable hypothesis that this person should instead be identified as the grammarian Niketas Skoutariotes, active in the last third of the twelfth century, who possibly at a later stage in his career obtained a teaching position at the Patriarchal School in Constantinople. The paper concludes with a comprehensive list of all the hitherto known works of Niketas Skoutariotes.
Schlagworte: Niketas Skoutariotes, Aristotle, Codex Parisinus graecus 1741, Greek palaeography, Greek Codicology, Textual Transmission, Byzantine Reception of Ancient Greek Rhetoric Theory, Byzantine Education, twelfth century
Ilias Nesseris
Seite 317 - 340 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/joeb74s317
10,00 €
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Blemmydes’ Epitome physica (und Epitome logica) im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert: Neues aus der Handschriftenforschung
Blemmydes’ Epitome physica (and Epitome logica) in the 15th and 16th centuries: New Findings from Manuscripts Studies: This article provides new insights into some Greek manuscripts of Nikephoros Blemmydes’ Epitome physica (and Epitome logica) mainly produced in the Renaissance (MSS Athēna, Ethnikē Bibliothēkē tēs Hellados, 475, 1296 and ΜΠΤ 354; Cambridge, University Library, Ll.V.4; Oxford, Lincoln College, gr. 33): their material features as well as their role in the textual transmission of Blemmydes’ treatises will be assessed. Furthermore, Andreas Donos’ engagement with the text of the Epitome physica in the Cod. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Barocc. 94 will be analysed in depth.
Schlagworte: Nikephoros Blemmydes, Andreas Donos, Paleography, Textual Criticism, manuscript studies
Alessandra Palla - Stefano Valente
Seite 341 - 362 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/joeb74s341
10,00 €
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Un nuovo frammento italogreco di contenuto agiografico alla Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
A New Italo-Greek Hagiographic Fragment in the Austrian National Library: The purpose of this short contribution is to report the discovery of a new Italo-Greek fragment, identified in one of the manuscripts of the Austrian National Library: Vind. Theol. gr. 136 (Diktyon 71803). The state of research on the manuscript under study is followed by a codicological and palaeographical analysis, as well as some observations on the fragment’s content.
Schlagworte: Southern Italian Manuscripts, “Rossano Style”, “Reggio Style”, Byzantine Hagiography;, Menologion, Saint Eustratius
Seite 363 - 371 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/joeb74s363
10,00 €
In den Warenkorb

Seite 373 - 386 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/joeb74s373
0,00 €

Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae
Seite 387 - 391 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/joeb74s387
0,00 €

978-3-7001-9735-5, Zeitschriftenausgabe, broschiert, 03.03.2025
978-3-7001-9736-2, E-Journal, PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 03.03.2025
1. Auflage
XIII+391 Seiten
zahlr. Farb- und s/w- Abbildungen
Englisch, Deutsch, Italienisch
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