
Communications in Asteroseismology, Vol. 158 (July 2009)

Communications in Asteroseismology, Vol. 158 (July 2009)
Evolution and pulsation of massive stars on the main sequence and close to it
1. Auflage, 2009
Die Serie Communications in Asteroseismology (CoAst) stellt eine international gefragte Plattform für wissenschaftliche Publikationen der neuesten Forschungsergebnisse auf dem Gebiet der Asteroseismologie dar. Forschungsgegenstand der Asteroseismologie sind pulsierende Sterne und ihr Aufbau. Neben den halbjährlich erscheinenden regulären Ausgaben mit Beiträgen aus der laufenden Forschung werden auch Sonderausgaben für Konferenzberichte bzw. Programmhandbücher herausgegeben. This colloquium was the 38th Li‘ege International Astrophysical Colloquium (38thLIAC -http://www.ago.ulg.ac.be/APub/Colloques/Liac38); it was also held under the auspices of the European Helio- and Asteroseismology Network (HELAS - http://www.helas-eu.org/), the CoRoT Evolution and Seismic Tools Activity (CoRoT/ESTA - http://www.astro.up.pt/esta/) and the Belgian Asteroseismology Group (BAG - http://www.asteroseismology.be). The first part of the conference was devoted to the internal structure of massive stars with session 1 dealing with the theoretical aspects of non standard physical processes while session 2 presented the challenges met in stellar modelling when introducing these physical processes. Session 3 was a “state of the art” in atmospheres, mass loss and stellar winds in massive stars. Session 4 presented the pulsation observations in massive stars while session 5 discussed the asteroseismic signatures of the physical processes involved in their internal structure. A final session 6 was essentially focused on the interpretation of the asteroseismic observations of ground-based, MOST and CoRoT targets.
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