The present contributions are the written editions of presentations offered at a symposium held on October 15, 2012, organized by the Institute for the Study of Ancient Culture (Institut für Kulturgeschichte der Antike [IKAnt]) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The presentations incorporated both an interdisciplinary approach (including perspectives from archaeology, history, Byzantine studies, and art history) and as many Balkan countries as possible (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria and Romania), as well as Hungary. One aim in particular was to give younger colleagues in diverse research projects a chance to speak; the number of female presenters was also taken into consideration. In addition, the event endeavored to emphasize once more the historical significance of this region for Europe. Following a short preamble by the editor and the greeting by the Class President, F. Mitthof’s “Illyrische Kaiser und vetus religio” quasi served as a historical introduction. Next, L. Nagy described “Die Lage der Erforschung des frühen Christentums in Ungarn”. R. Bratož presented “Die Forschungen zum frühen Christentum in Slowenien in den Jahren 1991–2011“ and B. Migotti offered “Early Christian Archaeology in North Croatia”. H. Vulić discussed the newly discovered “Early Christian Complex” in Kamenica, and J. Jeličić-Radonić “Salona – Metropolis of Dalmatia”. M. Kaplarević presented the “Frühchristliche Archäologie in Serbien” and M. Popović “Frühchristliche Archäologie in Makedonien”. N. Ceka reported on “Das frühe Christentum in Albanien”. Two contributions on Bulgaria followed: G. Fingarova, “Das christliche Erscheinungsbild Serdicas” and V. Jotov – A. Minčev, “Der frühchristliche Kirchenkomplex am Kap Sveti Atanas bei Bjala”. The symposium closed with I. A. Achim’s “Nuove ricerche archaeologice sui monumenti paleocristiani della Scizia”. The volume concludes with an index of places and names.