
Archaeology across Frontiers and Borderlands

Archaeology across Frontiers and Borderlands
Fragmentation and Connectivity in the North Agean and the Central Balkans from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age
1. Auflage, 2018
The objective of this volume is a theoretical debate on the archaeology at the crossroads of the Balkans, the Aegean and Anatolia and its interrelation with social and political life in this historically turbulent region. Modern political borders still divide European archaeology and intercept research. This is particularly evident in southeastern Europe, where archaeological interaction among neighbouring countries such as Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, the FYR of Macedonia and Albania is practically inactive. Reception of the past within the local perspectives of modern nation states and changing identities are some of our focal points: Can breaks or continuities in the material culture be perceived as evidence for ethnic (dis-)continuities, migrations, ethnogeneses, etc. and what is the socio-political background of such approaches? What is the potential of material culture towards the definition of modern and past identities? Interaction among different societies and cultures as well as the exchange of goods and ideas are another topic of this book. The area encompassing the north Aegean and the Balkans was, during the later prehistoric and early historic periods, the showplace of fascinating cultural entanglements. Domestic, cultic and public architecture, artefact groups and burial rites have always been employed in the archaeological process of defining identities. However, these identities were not static but rather underwent constant transformations. The question addressed is: How did people and objects interact and how did objects and ideas change their function and meaning in time and space? Colleagues representing different scholarly traditions and cultural backgrounds, working in Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, FYR of Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia, took part in this debate, and a total of 19 papers are now presented in this book.
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Archaeology Across Frontiers and Borderlands: An Introduction
Page 9 - 26
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Claiming the Past, Conquering the Future: Archaeological Narratives in Northern Greece and the Central Balkans
Page 27 - 54
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Conquering the Past, Claiming the Future: Historical and Archaeological Narratives in Western Anatolia
Page 55 - 70
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Working in the Margins: Some Reflections on Past, Present and Future Research in Western Anatolia
Page 71 - 92
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Conceptualising Contact Zones and Contact Spaces: An Archaeological Perspective
Philipp W. Stockhammer
Page 93 - 112
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Foreign Influences and Indigenous Transformations: The Case of Seals and Jewellery from the Late Bronze Age North Aegean
Page 113 - 138
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Maydos-Kilisetepe: A Bronze Age Settlement on the Border Between Asia and Europe
Page 139 - 158
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Transformations and Formations Around the Thermaic Gulf in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age: The Evidence of Burial Practices
Page 159 - 186
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Protocorinthian and Corinthian Ceramic Imports in Macedonia: Different People, Different Tastes?
Page 187 - 202
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Strangers in a Strange Land: Two Soldiers’ Graffiti from Ancient Thermi
Page 203 - 218
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Thracians and Greeks in the North Aegean
Page 219 - 242
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First Encounters and Further Developments: Greeks Meeting Thracians on the Western Pontic Coast
Page 243 - 268
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Iron Age Cultural Interactions, Plant Subsistence and Land Use in Southeastern Europe Inferred from Archaeobotanical Evidence of Greece and Bulgaria
Page 269 - 290
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The Edge of an Era: Changing Aspects in the Southeast Balkans Towards the End of the 2nd Millennium BC
Page 291 - 306
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The Making of Late Bronze Age Archaeological Cultures in Bulgaria
Page 307 - 332
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Settlements or Sanctuaries? Interpretational Dilemma Concerning 2nd–1st Millennium BC Sites in Bulgaria
Page 333 - 358
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‘Ada Tepe Late Bronze Age Gold Mine’ Project: Between Borders
Page 359 - 390
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Bronze Age and the Embedded Macedonian Question
Page 391 - 410
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The Late Bronze Age / Early Iron Age Transition in the Korçë Basin (SE-Albania) and the Modern Perception of the Emergence of Illyrian Culture
Page 411 - 426
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No Group, no People? Archaeological Record and Creation of Groups in the Western Balkans
Page 427 - 446
10,00 €
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Page 447 - 456
0,00 €

978-3-7001-8029-6, Print, hardcover, 20.06.2018
978-3-7001-8488-1, eBook, PDF, limited accessibility , 20.06.2018
1. Auflage
455 Pages

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