
Ägypten und Levante XXIV / Egypt and the Levant XXIV (2014)

Ägypten und Levante XXIV / Egypt and the Levant XXIV (2014)
Internationale Zeitschrift für ägyptische Archäologie und deren Nachbargebiete International Journal for Egyptian Archaeology and Related Disciplines
Year of the volume:
1. Auflage, 2015
Abkürzungen/Abbrevations M. Bietak, Vorwort für das HerausgebergremiumlPreface for the Editorial Board M. Barta, H. Vyrnazalova, V. Dulikova, K. Arias, M. Megahed, L. Varadzin, Exploration of the Necropolis at Abusir South in the Season of2012. Preliminary Report S. Rzepka, J. Hudec, A. Wodzinska, L. Jarmuzek, L. Hulkova, V. Dubcova, M. Piorun, A. Seföakova, Tell el-Retabaf rom the Second Intermediate Period till the Late Period. Results of the Polish-Slovak Archaeological Mission, Seasons 2011-2012 A. Ashmawy Ali, The Administration of Horse Stables in Ancient Egypt R. Gautschy, Reassessment of Absolute Chronology of the Egyptian New Kingdom and its 'Brotherly' Countries W. Grajetzki, Tomb 197 at Abydos, Further Evidence for Long Distance Trade in the Middle Kingdom G. Hagens, Radiocarbon Chronology for Dynastie Egypt and the Tell el-Dab'a Debate: A Regional Hypothesis F. Blakolmer, Gottheiten auf Tieren. Zur Transformation orientalischer Bildmotive in der minoisch-mykenischen Ikonographie H. Bouillon, A New Perspective on So-Called 'Hathoric Curls' . Britsch, B. Horejs, The Role ofTextile Production and Fishing in the EBA Metallurgical Centre of Cukurici Höyük (Turkey) J. Regev, I. Finkelstein, M.l Adams, and E. Boaretto, Wiggle-matched f4C Chronology of Early Bronze Megiddo and the Synchronization of Egyptian and Levantine Chronologies I. Finkelstein, The Shephelah and Jerusalem's Western Border in the Amarna Period U. Matic, "Minoans", kftjw and the "Islands in the Middle of wsd wr" Beyond Ethnicity T. Mühlenbruch, Ägäische Keramik im östlichen Mittelmeerraum - Überlegungen zu einer weit verbreiteten Fundgattung P. Waiman-Barak, A. Gilboa, and Y. Goren, A Stratified Sequence of Early Iron Age Egyptian Ceramies at Tel Dor, Israel S. J. Wimmer, G. Lehmann, Two Hieratic Inscriptionsfrom Qubur el-Walaydah S. Faigenbaum, B. Sober, I. Finkelstein, M. Moinester, E. Piasetzky, A. Shaus, M. Cordonsky, Multispectral Imaging of two Hieratic Inscriptions from Qubur el- Walaydah A. Yasur-Landau, E. H. Cline, and N. Goshen, Initial Results of the Stratigraphy and Chronology of the Tel Kabri Middle Bronze Age Palace I. Samet, The Chrono- Typological Pottery Sequence from the Middle Bronze Age Palace at Kabri: Some Preliminary Results.
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Open Access

Vorwort für das Herausgebergremium/Preface for the Editorial Board
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Open Access

Exploration of the Necropolis at Abusir South in the Season of 2012. Preliminary Report
Miroslav Bárta - Hana Vymazalová - Veronika Dulíková - Katarina Arias Kytnarovà - Mohamed Megahed - Ladislav Varadzin
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Open Access

Tell el-Retaba from the Second Intermediate Period till the Late Period. Results of the Polish–Slovak Archaeological Mission, Seasons 2011–2012
Sławomir Rzepka - Jozef Hudec - Anna Wodzińska - Łukasz Jarmużek - Lucia Hulková - Veronika Dubcová - Malwina Piorun - Alena Šefčáková
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Open Access

The Administration of Horse Stables in Ancient Egypt
Aiman Ashmawy Ali
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Open Access

Reassessment of Absolute Chronology of the Egyptian New Kingdom and its ´Brotherly´ Countries
Rita Gautschy
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Open Access

Tomb 197 at Abydos, Further Evidence for Long Distance Trade in the Middle Kingdom
Wolfram Grajetzki
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Open Access

Radiocarbon Chronology for Dynastic Egypt and the Tell el-Dab'a Debate: A Regional Hypothesis
Graham Hagens
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Open Access

Gottheiten auf Tieren. Zur Transformation orientalischer Bildmotive in der minoisch-mykenischen IkonographieA New Perspective on So-Called ´Hathoric Curls´
Fritz Blakolmer
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Open Access

A New Perspective on So-Called ´Hathoric Curls´
Hélène Bouillon
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Open Access

The Role of Textile Production and Fishing in the EBA Metallurgical Centre of Çukuriçi Höyük (Turkey)
Christopher Britsch - Barbara Horejs
0,00 €
Open Access

Wiggle-matched 14C Chronology of Early Bronze Megiddo and the Synchronization of Egyptian and Levantine Chronologies
Johanna Regev - Israel Finkelstein - Matthew J. Adams - Elisabetta Boaretto
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Open Access

The Shephelah and Jerusalem’s Western Border in the Amarna Period
Israel Finkelstein
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Open Access

"Minoans", kftjw and the "Islands in the Middle of ω3ḏ ωr" Beyond Ethnicity
Uroš Matić
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Open Access

Ägäische Keramik im östlichen Mittelmeerraum – Überlegungen zu einer weit verbreiteten Fundgattung
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Open Access

A Stratified Sequence of Early Iron Age Egyptian Ceramics at Tel Dor, Israel
Paula Waiman-Barak - Ayelet Gilboa - Yuval Goren
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Open Access

Two Hieratic Inscriptions from Qubur el-Walaydah
Stefan Jakob Wimmer - Gunnar Lehmann
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Open Access

Multispectral Imaging of two Hieratic Inscriptions from Qubur el-Walaydah
Shira Faigenbaum - Barak Sober - Israel Finkelstein - Murray Moinester - Eli Piasetzky - Arie Shaus - Michael Cordonsky
0,00 €
Open Access

Initial Results of the Stratigraphy and Chronology of the Tel Kabri Middle Bronze Age Palace
Assaf Yasur-Landau - Eric H. Cline - Nurith Goshen
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Open Access

The Chrono-Typological Pottery Sequence from the Middle Bronze Age Palace at Kabri: Some Preliminary Results
Inbal Samet
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Open Access

978-3-7001-7745-6, Journal, softcover, 02.03.2015
978-3-7001-7808-8, eJournal, PDF, limited accessibility, 02.03.2015
1. Auflage
395 Pages
DOI (Link to Online Edition):

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