The musical genre of the oratorio emerged in the course of the devotional movement triggered by Filippo Neri in the first half of the 17th century in Rome. The oratorio arrived at the Habsburg court in Vienna earlier than in most Italian cities. The fact that it became a permanent feature of court ceremonial there from the 1660s onwards is thanks to the pious, art-loving Empress Eleonora II of the House of Gonzaga, who was herself artistically active. During her widowhood, Eleonora regularly had works of this genre performed in her private chapel. The performances took place weekly during Lent and until 1667 also during Advent. Among the oratorios sung were works either created at the imperial court or imported from Italy. In the early days, compositions from Rome predominated. Later, imports from Upper and North Central Italy were added, but above all, domestic oratorio production increased greatly. Among the imports were works with texts by Loreto Vittori, Lelio Orsini, Francesco Buti, Pietro Filippo Bernini, Bartolomeo Beverini, Pompeo Colonna, Ippolito Bentivolio, Benedetto Pamphilj, Pier Matteo Petrucci and Cesare Mazzei. The settings were by such renowned composers as Marco Marazzoli, Carlo Caproli, Giovanni Bicilli, Giovanni Francesco Marcorelli, Giacomo Carissimi, Bernardo Pasquini, Alessandro Melani, Giovanni Legrenzi and Giuseppe Pacieri. Most probably, for ease of comprehension, Eleonora had only works performed with Italian texts, thus contributing to the consolidation of the Oratorio volgare (in Italian language) and to its assertion over the Oratorio latino. At the same time, she made a significant contribution to the preservation and cultivation of Italian poetry and oratory, as she printed the texts of the oratorios performed at her court and had renowned ecclesiastical rhetoricians from Italy preach during the oratorio performances. Several observations suggest that the oratorios, in conjunction with sermons, were understood as spiritual counterparts to the literary academies framed with music.