
Alice Vinet

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Alice Vinet
is working at Aix Marseille University and teaches primarly Mediterranean Prehistory
Alice Vinet, born in 1992 in France, studied prehistoric and near eastern archaeology at the Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, where she completed her PhD in 2022. Since 2022, she is teaching Mediterranean Prehistory at the Aix Marseille University. She also is a member of the UMR 7269 Lampea. She has been conducting fieldwork in France and in the Near East and is currently involved in several archaeological sites in Turkey and Israel as a lithic use-wear analyst. Her PhD dissertation contributed to the definition of cultural groups on the Anatolian plateau during the Neolithic. Her research interests lie in the subsistence strategies of early agricultural societies as well as their symbolic practices and cultural traditions through the technological and functional study of the lithic industry. She is also investigating methodological aspects about functional studies on obsidian.
