
Herta Nagl-Docekal

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Herta Nagl-Docekal
is Professor em. of Philosophy, Univ. of Vienna, Austria; full member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Herta Nagl-Docekal, born 1944 in Wels, received her PhD in history (1967) as well as her habilitation in philosophy (1981) at the University of Vienna. From 1985–2009 she was Professor of philosophy at the Univ. of Vienna. As visiting professor she taught at the Universities of Utrecht, Frankfurt a.M. and Konstanz, at Free Univ. Berlin and the Univ. of St. Petersburg. She is full member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and membre titulaire of the Institut International de Philosophie (Mb. of the Administrative Committee of IIP 2014–2017). From 2008–2013 she served as vice president of FISP (International Federation of Philosophical Societies). She was awarded the G. Possanner Prize in 2015, and Dr.phil. honoris causa: University of Basel, Switzerland, 2022. Her main fields of research include Ethics, Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of History, Feminist Theory. Recent monograph: "Innere Freiheit" (Berlin 2014).
