
Reinhard Jung

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Reinhard Jung
is Head of the research group Mediterranean Economies at the Austrian Archaeological Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Reinhard Jung, born in Berlin, studied Pre- and Protohistory at the Freie Universität Berlin, where he received his doctoral degree in 1999 (on the wheelmade Bronze and Early Iron Age pottery from Kastanas). In 2000/2001 he held a travel fellowship of the DAI. In 2013, he received his habilitation (venia legendi) for Prehistoric Archaeology at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Tübingen, Germany. His research focuses on the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the Mediterranean (Greece, Italy, Syria, Lebanon, Cyprus) and in Southeastern Europe. He is conducting excavations and various interdisciplinary cooperation projects involving many archaeometric disciplines, e. g. for analysis of different materials such as pottery and metals as well as for dating purposes (14C).
