
Denis Guilbeau

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Denis Guilbeau
is Archaeologist and works as Heritage Curator for the French Ministry of Culture
Denis Guilbeau, born in 1980 in France, studied prehistoric archaeology first at Nantes University and then at Nanterre university, where he completed his PhD in 2010. He works as heritage curator at the Service régional de l'archéologie at Montpellier (France) and is attached to the laboratory UMR5140 Archéologie des Sociétés Méditerannéennes. He is currently involved in several international projects in France, Turkey and Italy. He works as lithic analyst on a number of archaeological sites in South Caucasus, Turkey and Central Mediterranean. Through the study of chipped stones industries, he aims to characterize the social organization, the cultural relations and the evolution of the societies from the Mesolithic to the beginning of the Bronze Age between South Caucasus and Western Mediterranean.
