Fossil Corals and Sponges
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Graz 2003
J. E. Sorauf
The function of dissepiments and marginaria in the Rugosa (Cnidaria, Zoantharia) Seite 11
B.-Y. Bae - R. J. Elias - Y.-H. Jun - D.-J. Lee
Axial increase in some early tabulate corals Seite 31
R. J. Elias - D. R. Porter - G. A. Young
Biometric analysis of corallite size in the colonial rugosan Crenulites Seite 43
J. Hladil
The earliest growth stages of Amphipora Seite 51
A. Le Hérissé - Y. Plusquellec - F. Torneur
Structure and microstructure of Pachypora...
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