
Energievorräte und mineralische Rohstoffe: Wie lange noch?

Energievorräte und mineralische Rohstoffe: Wie lange noch?
1. Auflage, 1998
Over the past few years, there has been increasing public awareness that the behaviour of each generation has an impact on the welfare of succeeding generations. This is particularly true as regards the utilization of non-renewable energy sources such as oil, natural gas and coal, the raw materials for metal production and industrial minerals (e.g. magnesite). It has generally been assumed that in view of the finite reserves available, continually increasing exploitation would give rise to serious concern. The present volume shows that, in contrast to earlier prognoses, no problems are to be expected in this area in the near future if there is the political will to avoid them. However, the consequences of consumerism (e.g. the possible effects of global warming) should be taken into account in a rational manner.
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