CDs, DVDs and CD-ROMs
CDs, DVDs and CD-ROMs
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Plaudite! Musik von Fux, Telemann und Vivaldi
The Imperial Court Kapellmeister Johann Joseph Fux (ca. 1660–1741) is considered the most important Austrian Baroque composer. His extensive oeuvre is currently being edited in a historical-critical edition at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH). In addition, performance materials of selected works are being made available as open access via the web portal Two concerts in 2017 of sacred vocal music by Fux and instrumental music by his...
29,00 €
Available as: Audio-CD
The Class of ´38. Exile and Excellence
A film by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, directed by Frederick Baker and based on an idea by Anton Zeilinger
Eminent scientists and scholars who were persecuted by the Nazis following the "annexation" of Austria in 1938 and were forced to leave the country shed light on these traumatic experiences at a young age and give an insight into how forced migration and displacement have shaped their research and live in academia.
- Lotte Bailyn
- Eugene Braunwald
- Hanna Engelberg-Kulka
- Gerald Holton
- Eric Kandel
- Martin Karplus
- Herbert C. Kelman
- Ruth Klüger
- Walter Kohn
- George...
14,90 €
Available as: DVD
Series 18: František Pospišil`s Recordings from The Slovácko and Haná Regions (1910)
Comments by Hana Dvořáková, Franz Lechleitner, Gerda Lechleitner and Lucie Uhlíková. Transcriptions by Lucie Uhlíková
Besides recordings made in Croatian villages in South Moravia (already published in Series 11/1: "Croatian Recordings 1901–1936"), František Pospíšil’s fieldwork in the summer of 1910 resulted also in 14 recordings from the Slovácko and one from the Haná regions. Although this collection is not very large, it is of great interest: due to the border region, the specific dialects used, and the old folk songs presented, these recordings are today classified as outstanding items. Pospíšil also took...
25,00 €
Available as: Audio-CD
The Class of ´38. Exile and Excellence
Ein Film der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften von Frederick Baker nach einer Idee von Anton Zeilinger
Eminent scientists and scholars who were persecuted by the Nazis following the "annexation" of Austria in 1938 and were forced to leave the country shed light on these traumatic experiences at a young age and give an insight into how forced migration and displacement have shaped their research and live in academia.
- Lotte Bailyn
- Eugene Braunwald
- Hanna Engelberg-Kulka
- Gerald Holton
- Eric Kandel
- Martin Karplus
- Herbert C. Kelman
- Ruth Klüger
- Walter Kohn
- George...
14,90 €
Available as: DVD
The Class of ´38. Exile and Excellence
A film by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, directed by Frederick Baker and based on an idea by Anton Zeilinger
Eminent scientists and scholars who were persecuted by the Nazis following the "annexation" of Austria in 1938 and were forced to leave the country shed light on these traumatic experiences at a young age and give an insight into how forced migration and displacement have shaped their research and live in academia.
- Lotte Bailyn
- Eugene Braunwald
- Hanna Engelberg-Kulka
- Gerald Holton
- Eric Kandel
- Martin Karplus
- Herbert C. Kelman
- Ruth Klüger
- Walter Kohn
- George...
14,90 €
Available as: DVD
Series 17/6: Recordings from Prisoner-of-War Camps, World War I. Italian Recordings.
Co-edited by Serenella Baggio. Transcriptions, translations and comments by Maria Antonietta Arrigoni and Marco Savini, Serenella Baggio, Stefano Bannò, Silvia Calamai, Lorenzo Coveri, Antonietta Dettori, Hans Goebl, Marta Maddalon and John Trumper, Giovanni Manzari, Vito Matranga, Daniela Mereu, Nicoletta Puddu, Roberto Sottile
Gerda LECHLEITNER - Christian LIEBL (eds.)
Series 17: Recordings from Prisoner-of-War Camps, World War I
17/6: Italian Recordings (OEAW PHA CD 46)
ISBN 978-3-7001-8459-1
Print Edition
ISBN 978-3-7001-8495-9
Online Edition
Tondokumente des Phonogrammarchivs 46
Gesamtausgabe der historischen Bestände
2019, 2 Audio-CDs, 1 CD-ROM, 10 Seiten Booklet
Order Print Edition
Die Serie 17, publiziert in 6 Subserien, beinhaltet 250 Sprach- und Musikaufnahmen von...
25,00 €
Available as: Audio-CD
Series 17/2: Recordings from Prisoner-of-War Camps, World War I. Finno-Ugric Recordings
Transcriptions, translations and comments by Niina Aasmäe, Vaiva Agkinskas, Juha-Matti Aronen, Ingeborg Baldauf, Lina Būgienė, Victor Denisov, Jasmine Dum-Tragut, Armin Eidherr, Anzor Erkomaishvili, Ildar Kharissov, Gerson Klumpp, Nikolai Kuznetsov, Britta Lange, Carl Linich, Nona Lomidze, Lilia Moskalenko, Bruria Pollak, Aldis Pūtelis, Ulla Remmer, Manana Saladze, Edwin Seroussi, Triin Todesk, Elena Vedernikova (with the help of Natali Pärtin and Nikolay Vasiliev), Rūta Žarskienė
Der Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs schränkte ‚klassische‘ phonographische Feldforschungen massiv ein. Zugleich jedoch erkannte Rudolf Pöch, Professor für Anthropologie und Ethnographie an der Universität Wien, in der Kriegssituation „eine noch nie dagewesene (…) Gelegenheit für die wissenschaftliche Forschung“. Diese nutzte er gemeinsam mit dem Musikwissenschaftler Robert Lach, um vor allem in den k. u. k. Kriegsgefangenenlagern von Eger (Cheb), Reichenberg (Liberec) und Theresienstadt...
25,00 €
Available as: Audio-CD
Series 17/5: Recordings from Prisoner-of-War Camps, World War I. Georgian - Avar - Jewish - Ossetian - Svanetian Recordings
Transcriptions, translations and comments by Niina Aasmäe, Vaiva Agkinskas, Juha-Matti Aronen, Ingeborg Baldauf, Lina Būgienė, Victor Denisov, Jasmine Dum-Tragut, Armin Eidherr, Anzor Erkomaishvili, Ildar Kharissov, Gerson Klumpp, Nikolai Kuznetsov, Britta Lange, Carl Linich, Nona Lomidze, Lilia Moskalenko, Bruria Pollak, Aldis Pūtelis, Ulla Remmer, Manana Saladze, Edwin Seroussi, Triin Todesk, Elena Vedernikova (with the help of Natali Pärtin and Nikolay Vasiliev), Rūta Žarskienė
Der Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs schränkte ‚klassische‘ phonographische Feldforschungen massiv ein. Zugleich jedoch erkannte Rudolf Pöch, Professor für Anthropologie und Ethnographie an der Universität Wien, in der Kriegssituation „eine noch nie dagewesene (…) Gelegenheit für die wissenschaftliche Forschung“. Diese nutzte er gemeinsam mit dem Musikwissenschaftler Robert Lach, um vor allem in den k. u. k. Kriegsgefangenenlagern von Eger (Cheb), Reichenberg (Liberec) und Theresienstadt...
25,00 €
Available as: Audio-CD
Series 17/3: Recordings from Prisoner-of-War Camps, World War I. Russian - Ukrainian Recordings
Transcriptions, translations and comments by Niina Aasmäe, Vaiva Agkinskas, Juha-Matti Aronen, Ingeborg Baldauf, Lina Būgienė, Victor Denisov, Jasmine Dum-Tragut, Armin Eidherr, Anzor Erkomaishvili, Ildar Kharissov, Gerson Klumpp, Nikolai Kuznetsov, Britta Lange, Carl Linich, Nona Lomidze, Lilia Moskalenko, Bruria Pollak, Aldis Pūtelis, Ulla Remmer, Manana Saladze, Edwin Seroussi, Triin Todesk, Elena Vedernikova (with the help of Natali Pärtin and Nikolay Vasiliev), Rūta Žarskienė
Der Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs schränkte ‚klassische‘ phonographische Feldforschungen massiv ein. Zugleich jedoch erkannte Rudolf Pöch, Professor für Anthropologie und Ethnographie an der Universität Wien, in der Kriegssituation „eine noch nie dagewesene (…) Gelegenheit für die wissenschaftliche Forschung“. Diese nutzte er gemeinsam mit dem Musikwissenschaftler Robert Lach, um vor allem in den k. u. k. Kriegsgefangenenlagern von Eger (Cheb), Reichenberg (Liberec) und Theresienstadt...
25,00 €
Available as: Audio-CD
Series 17/1: Recordings from Prisoner-of-War Camps, World War I. Armenian - Jewish - Latvian - Lithuanian Recordings
Transcriptions, translations and comments by Niina Aasmäe, Vaiva Agkinskas, Juha-Matti Aronen, Ingeborg Baldauf, Lina Būgienė, Victor Denisov, Jasmine Dum-Tragut, Armin Eidherr, Anzor Erkomaishvili, Ildar Kharissov, Gerson Klumpp, Nikolai Kuznetsov, Britta Lange, Carl Linich, Nona Lomidze, Lilia Moskalenko, Bruria Pollak, Aldis Pūtelis, Ulla Remmer, Manana Saladze, Edwin Seroussi, Triin Todesk, Elena Vedernikova (with the help of Natali Pärtin and Nikolay Vasiliev), Rūta Žarskienė
Der Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs schränkte ‚klassische‘ phonographische Feldforschungen massiv ein. Zugleich jedoch erkannte Rudolf Pöch, Professor für Anthropologie und Ethnographie an der Universität Wien, in der Kriegssituation „eine noch nie dagewesene (…) Gelegenheit für die wissenschaftliche Forschung“. Diese nutzte er gemeinsam mit dem Musikwissenschaftler Robert Lach, um vor allem in den k. u. k. Kriegsgefangenenlagern von Eger (Cheb), Reichenberg (Liberec) und Theresienstadt...
25,00 €
Available as: Audio-CD
Series 17/4: Recordings from Prisoner-of-War Camps, World War I. Turk-Tatar Recordings
Transcriptions, translations and comments by Niina Aasmäe, Vaiva Agkinskas, Juha-Matti Aronen, Ingeborg Baldauf, Lina Būgienė, Victor Denisov, Jasmine Dum-Tragut, Armin Eidherr, Anzor Erkomaishvili, Ildar Kharissov, Gerson Klumpp, Nikolai Kuznetsov, Britta Lange, Carl Linich, Nona Lomidze, Lilia Moskalenko, Bruria Pollak, Aldis Pūtelis, Ulla Remmer, Manana Saladze, Edwin Seroussi, Triin Todesk, Elena Vedernikova (with the help of Natali Pärtin and Nikolay Vasiliev), Rūta Žarskienė
As a result of the outbreak of World War I, ‘classical’ phonographic field research came to be greatly limited. Rudolf Pöch, Professor of Anthropology and Ethnography at the University of Vienna, however, realised that the war situation would prove ‘an unprecedented opportunity for academic research’. Together with musicologist Robert Lach he exploited this opportunity in order to make extensive language and music recordings of ‘almost all peoples of European and Asian Russia’, especially in...
25,00 €
Available as: Audio-CD