
Wiener Studien ‒ Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, Patristik und lateinische Tradition, Band 137/2024

Wiener Studien ‒ Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, Patristik und lateinische Tradition, Band 137/2024
Year of the volume:
1. Auflage, 2024
Die „Wiener Studien“, gegründet 1879, sind eine internationale wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, Patristik und lateinische Tradition. Sie erscheinen jährlich, unterliegen einem Peer-Review-Verfahren und werden vom Institut für Klassische Philologie, Mittel- und Neulatein der Universität Wien, vom Fachbereich Altertumswissenschaften, CSEL, der Universität Salzburg und vom Institut für Kulturgeschichte der Antike der ÖAW in Kooperation herausgegeben. Der vorliegende 137. Band versammelt Beiträge, die sich mit Textkritik zu Chariton und diversen editionsphilologischen Fragen bzw. der Entstehungsgeschichte von CSEL 71 befassen, außerdem Studien zu Lukians Göttergesprächen, dem sog. Neuen Dexippus und zur Homer-Imitation in Vergils Aeneis, ferner zu Horaz und seiner Rezeption bei Prudentius, zur Rezeption von Silius Italicus in der Spätantike, zum Herbarius des Ps.-Apuleius, zur Rezeption der Flavischen Epiker bei Angelo Poliziano sowie zum Kommentar des Pomponio Leto zur Germania des Tacitus. Mit Beiträgen von G. Danek, G. Bretzigheimer, A. Koroli, C. De Stefani, P. Gagliardi, S. Meli, J. Breuer, Ch. Schwameis, L. Dorfbauer, V. Ortoleva, C. Vespoli, F. Römer und V. Zimmerl-Panagl.
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Textvorschläge zu Chariton (5–8)
Discussion of 67 textual problems in Chariton’s Kallirhoe, Books 5–8
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Finessenreiche Plaudereien: Lukians Göttergespräche 19 [11], 17 [15], 21 [17]
Lucian’s Dialogues of the Gods give the impression of fleetingly sketched conversations. The purpose of this essay is to show, by means of close reading, how complex the three selected texts are, how sophisticated the author’s strategy in reworking the mythological material is and how much interpretive work is left to the readers.
Gerlinde Bretzigheimer
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Intertextual References in “New Dexippus”
The present study deals with Scythica Vindobonensia, and specifically with fols. 192v and 193r. It aims to feed the discussion concerning the imprint of the Thucydidean text on the historical narrative preserved in the Viennese palimpsest. Furthermore, it discusses inter-textual references pointing to a connection of Dexippus’ text not only to historiographers other than Thucydides, but also genres such as biography, and especially Plutarch, geography, rhetoric and the representatives of the Second Sophistic.
Aikaterini Koroli
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Stemmi trifidi e traduzioni orientali
It is well-known among philologists that trifidate stemmata are generally rarer than bifidate ones. However, whenever Greek authors in Greek manuscripts were also transmitted by translations into oriental languages based on Late Antique manuscripts, even though the Greek tradition is bifidate, the translations constitute a third branch. This can help textual critics discern correct readings from the false ones, almost as if the tradition was trifidate. This article offers several examples, chiefly from works of Aristotle and Galen, but also of Artemidorus.
Claudio De Stefani
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Imitazione omerica e innovazione virgiliana nella strage di Enea (Aen.10,510–605)
In the bloodshed made by Aeneas after the death of Pallas (Aen. 10,510–605), Virgil imitates in particular the slaying of Lycaon by Achilles in Il. 21, but adds to it references to other episodes of the Iliad. The comparison with these scenes results in recognising that the image of Aeneas is crueler and fiercer than Achilles’ one in the Homeric model. The reversal of Aeneas’ usual pietas reveals the danger of the furor inherent in the human soul.
Paola Gagliardi
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Luna rubens
This paper proposes an interpretation of the phrase neque uno luna rubens nitet / voltu in Hor. carm. 2,11,10f. and analyses other occurrences of red moons in Horace’s works (Hor. sat. 1,8), in his models (Sapph. fr. 96 V.) and in the Augustan and early imperial literary production (Virgil, Propertius, Ovid, Seneca) to prove, with the support of ancient and modern sources, that the phenomenon briefly described in this poem is a total lunar eclipse, which the poet might have witnessed. If such hypothesis is true, this detail could help us date the ode 2,11 to the year 26 BC, when a total lunar eclipse happened on May 13th and was visible from Rome not too late in the night.
Simone Meli
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Wer bringt wahrhaftig Rettung?
In his poem Peristephanon 4, Christian poet Prudentius praises a multitude of martyrs who will support the Spanish city of Caesaraugusta in the context of the Last Judgment. While it has long been recognized that the text shares some similarities with Horace’s Ode 1,2, which celebrates Octavian as a divine saviour, this paper provides the first systematic analysis and inter-pretation of the connections between the two texts. It demonstrates that Horace’s ode not only selectively serves as an intertext, but that Prudentius repeatedly and systematically recurs to this reference text, integrating numerous lexical echoes, as well as conceptual (often contrasting) references. The martyr hymn, also composed in Sapphic stanzas, surpasses the Horatian poem in many aspects and rewrites or falsifies Horace’s theological and soteriological conception in a Christian reinterpretation.
Johannes Breuer MA
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Noster Scipiades
In this paper, panegyric epic poems by Claudian, Sidonius, and Gorippus are considered together for the first time as examples of the late antique reception of the Punica. It is argued that these late antique poets in their works about African campaigns referred to the depiction of Scipio Africanus, the first great Roman victor in Africa, in the last books of the Punica (the “Scipias”). This is suggested by explicit references, scene imitations as well as literal quotations. The paper thus aims to contribute to a better understanding of the impact of the Punica on late antique Latin poetry.
Christoph Schwameis
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Favonius Eulogius 8,3
The present note is, to some extent, a follow-up to my 2018 WS article in which I discussed the way in which some Late Latin writers, especially of North African origin, use terms denoting the multiples of the as instead of numerals. Here it is demonstrated that the Carthaginian rhetor Favonius Eulogius too belonged to this group of writers. In a locus corruptus in his Disputatio de somnio Scipionis, where all editors starting from the editio princeps print the conjecture decimus ad vicesimum, one should rather read decus ad vi(g)es.
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“Slightly Out of Focus”
In the description concerning the properties of verbena (3,9) Ps.-Apuleius’ Herbarius presents a peculiar method for diagnosing rabies: applying grains of wheat on the wound inflicted by a rabid dog; once these grains become saturated with the wound’s fluids, they are given to a hen to eat. Whether the hen eats them or not serves as a crucial indicator in determining the potential contraction of rabies by the patient. However, the complex manuscript tradition of the Herbarius notably diverges in depicting the hen’s response to the offered food. This paper, therefore, aims to provide greater clarity by systematically examining the available textual witnesses, with the ultimate goal of elucidating the state of the tradition and establishing the text present in the archetype, and more hypothetically, in the “original”.
Vincenzo Ortoleva
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Presenze dei poeti epici flavi nelle postille inedite di Angelo Poliziano alle Bucoliche e all’Eneide di Virgilio
The incunabulum Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Rés. G. Yc. 236 transmits Angelo Poliziano’s hand notes to Virgil’s works. This paper offers a survey of the citations from the Flavian poets used by Poliziano to comment on Virgil’s Eclogues and Aeneid. My aim is also to provide new information on Poliziano’s interest in the Silver Latin epic and, more broadly, on his philological method.
Lorenzo Vespoli
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Pomponio Letos Kommentar zum Kimbern-Kapitel der Germania
This paper offers an analysis of a special passage in Leto’s unpublished commentary on Tacitus’ Germania illustrating the humanist’s interests and methods.
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Die Entstehung von CSEL 71 (Cassiodori-Epiphanii, Historia ecclesiastica tripartita)
On the anniversary “160 years CSEL”, this article traces the making of a critical edition that was worked on under particularly difficult and dramatic circumstances: CSEL 71 (Cassiodori-Epiphanii Historia ecclesiastica tripartita, rec. Walter Jacob, editionem cur. Rudolf Hanslik, Wien 1952). For this purpose, letters written in the years 1933 to 1952 in connection with the work on CSEL 71 and kept in the CSEL archive today were evaluated for the first time. The article thus sheds light on conditions of scientific work during and around the Second World War.
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978-3-7001-9676-1, Journal, softcover, 10.07.2024
978-3-7001-9677-8, eJournal, PDF, limited accessibility, 10.07.2024
1. Auflage
314 Pages
German, English, Italian
DOI (Link to Online Edition):

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