
Western Anatolia before Troy. Proto-Urbanisation in the 4th Millenium BC?

Western Anatolia before Troy. Proto-Urbanisation in the 4th Millenium BC?
Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria, 21-24 November, 2012
1. Auflage, 2014
OREA 1 presents the scientific results of the international symposium Western Anatolia before Troy - Proto-Urbanisation in the 4th Millennium BC? The sparse archaeological data published for the 5th and 4th millennia BC and the archaeological picture of western Anatolia, fundamentally changed in the last decades, needed to bring together specialists of western Turkey and the neighbouring regions to discuss new data in the light of socio-cultural processes in the period before Troy. Furthermore, following the results of the ERC research group (ERC project Prehistoric Anatolia), it appeared high time to focus on this period as it had been frequently neglected in the recent dynamic prehistoric research in western Turkey. The intermediate millennia between the archaeological focus on the Neolithic (and early Chalcolithic) of the 7th and 6th millennia BC with ground-breaking results and publications on the one hand and traditional research on the Early Bronze Age in the 3rd millenium BC with new input from important key sites on the other hand, remained more or less neglected. The symposium aimed to shed light on these developments and focus in particular on the formation of centres of regional and supra-regional importance that emerged in western Anatolia and the broader geographical context of the Balkans, the Marmara Sea, the Greek mainland and Crete. (An electronic version of this book is freely available, thanks to the support of libraries working with Knowledge Unlatched. More information about the initiative and links to the Open Access version can be found at www.knowledgeunlatched.org.)
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Preface by the Series Editor
Page 7 - 8
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Introductory Remarks
Page 9 - 12
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Proto-Urbanisation without Urban Centres? A Model of Transformation for the Izmir Region in the 4th Millennium BC
Page 15 - 42
0,00 €
Open Access

Past Stories – Modern Narratives: Cultural Dialogues between East Aegean Islands and the West Anatolian Mainland in the 4th Millennium BC
Page 43 - 64
0,00 €
Open Access

New Insights into the Late Chalcolithic of Coastal Western Anatolia: A View from Bakla Tepe, Izmir
Vasif Şahoglu
Page 65 - 82
0,00 €
Open Access

New Contributions Regarding Prehistoric Cultures in the Meander Region: Çine-Tepecik
Page 83 - 104
0,00 €
Open Access

Iasos, the Carian Chalcolithic and its Relations with Northern Central Anatolia
Page 105 - 124
0,00 €
Open Access

The Middle Chalcolithic Cultural Sequence of the Troad (Northwest Anatolia): Chronological and Interregional Assessment
Page 125 - 156
0,00 €
Open Access

The Early Bronze Age Chronology of Troy (Periods I-III): Pottery Seriation, Radiocarbon Dating and the Gap
Bernhard Weninger
Page 157 - 200
0,00 €
Open Access

In Quest of a Missing Era in Eastern Thrace - Dilemma of the 4th Millennium
Page 203 - 216
0,00 €
Open Access

The Wealth of the Tells: Complex Settlement Patterns and Specialisations in the West Pontic Area between 4600 and 4250 calBC
Page 217 - 242
0,00 €
Open Access

The 4th Millennium: A Watershed in European Prehistory
Page 243 - 260
0,00 €
Open Access

Troy, Baden Culture and Corded Ware – Correlations in the Balkan-Carpathian Region at the Turn of the 4th Millennium BC
Page 261 - 274
0,00 €
Open Access

Formation or Transformation? The 4th Millennium BC in the Aegean and the Balkans
Page 275 - 304
0,00 €
Open Access

Times of Change: Greece and the Aegean during the 4th Millennium BC
Page 305 - 328
0,00 €
Open Access

The Emergence of Trade and the Integration of Crete into the Wider Aegean in the Late 4th Millennium: New Evidence and Implications
Peter David Tomkins
Page 329 - 344
0,00 €
Open Access

Tracing Complexity in ‘the Missing Millennium’: An Overview of Recent Research into the Final Neolithic Period on Crete
Peter David Tomkins
Page 345 - 364
0,00 €
Open Access

Agricultural Patterns in the Aegean in the 4th Millennium BC – An Explanatory Model
Simone Riehl
Page 367 - 384
0,00 €
Open Access

Late Chalcolithic Subsistence Strategies on the Basis of Two Examples: The Çukuriç Höyük in Western Anatolia and the Barcin Höyük in Northwestern Anatolia
Page 385 - 394
0,00 €
Open Access

Isotopic Indicators of Community Organisation and Integration at İkiztepe: Implications for Anatolian Social Development in the 4th Millennium BC
Page 395 - 412
0,00 €
Open Access

Lithic Production before and after the 4th Millennium BC in the Lower Danube, South East Bulgaria, Marmara Region and Eastern Aegean
Page 413 - 420
0,00 €
Open Access

Weaving Society in Late Chalcolithic Anatolia: Textile Production and Social Strategies in the 4th Millennium BC
Page 421 - 446
0,00 €
Open Access

The Development of Metallurgy in Western Anatolia, the Aegean and Southeastern Europe before Troy
Ernst Pernicka
Page 447 - 462
0,00 €
Open Access

Metallurgy during the Chalcolithic and the Beginning of the Early Bronze Age in Western Anatolia
Page 463 - 490
0,00 €
Open Access

List of Participants
Page 491 - 492
0,00 €

978-3-7001-7761-6, Print, softcover, 20.12.2014
978-3-7001-7780-7, eBook, PDF (limited accessibility) or EPub (unlimited accessibility), 20.12.2014
1. Auflage
492 Pages
numerous images

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