Die Stadtmauern im urbanistischen Kontext. Die Funde. Die österreichischen Forschungen in der West- und Unterstadt (1974, 1990‒1993 und 1997‒2001). Mit Beiträgen von Renata Cantilena, Mechthild Ladurner und Luigi Vecchio
Comprehensive research, undertaken by a multidisciplinary team from the University of Vienna between 1974 and 2001 in the Lower town of Velia, studied the evolution of the city walls in relation to the urban development of the Phocaean polis on the Tyrrhenian coast and provided new information on the development of the city mainly between the 5th and the 2nd c. BC.
The contextualization and processing of the finds from these excavations (pottery, small finds and coins) allowed for a new, precise dating of the individual periods of the urban development, ultimately changing older approaches. Furthermore, it helped to reconstruct the development of local pottery production in a new, comprehensive way. By means of an innovative determination of production centers for imported ceramics, Velia's socio-economic relationships could be followed on both a regional and supraregional level.
Supported by: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) - Selbstständige Publikationen
Supported by: DDr. Franz-Josef Mayer-Gunthof Wissenschafts- und Forschungsstiftung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften