
Transatlantic Networks

Transatlantic Networks
and the Perception and Representation of Vienna and Austria between the 1920s and 1950s
1. Auflage, 2018
No fewer than a dozen foreign correspondents working for US American newspapers and news agencies and many established and emerging authors as well as hundreds of American physicians spent extended periods of time in Vienna and Austria in the 1920s and 1930s. The study of their published reports and the literary estates of many visitors (including their correspondence with friends and their journals) helps to discover extended networks of friendships. Their accounts show that most of the American visitors continued to perceive Vienna after the collapse of the monarchy, and despite recurrent political crises, culminating in the tragic Civil War of 1934, in conformity with stereotype notions rooted in the 19th century, as a Mecca of Medicine and Music, and as the city of café culture. Austria was thus in the reports in newspapers and accounts of the news agencies for a transatlantic public mostly presented in a positive light. The close contacts of a multitude of visitors with members of the local elite, often with Jewish backgrounds, inspired many a roman-à-clef, fictional narratives, poems and also plays, adapting popular local material and traditions (Thornton Wilder). While many visitors took an interest in the theory and practice of psychoanalysis, which they applied in their own lives (H.D.), or benefitted from the advanced medical school of Vienna, even authors who had not yet visited Austria (Joseph Freeman) were able to imagine plots centered on the city and its environment by tapping the rich detailed material provided in the media and designing a densely depicted Viennese setting. The friendships which had developed and the networks thus established were also of great importance for quite a few Austrians who fled into exile after the catastrophe of the Anschluss. The experiences of that cohort of transatlantic visitors and the predominantly positive image of Vienna and Austria re-emerged after the end of World War Two and continued to exert an influence until well into the 1980s.
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Page 7 - 10
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Chapter 1: Introduction: The Emergence of the Image of Vienna as the City of Music, Medicine, and Immorality
Page 17 - 30
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Chapter 2: Dorothy Thompson and her Viennese and American Contacts in Vienna in the Nineteen-Twenties and Early Nineteen-Thirties
Page 31 - 50
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Chapter 3: Vienna and Austria as the Destination of Music Lovers and Writers in the Early 1920s
Page 51 - 84
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Chapter 4: Vienna as the City of Medicine and Music: William Carlos Williams’s Stay in Vienna in 1924 and its Fictionalization in <i>A Voyage to Pagany</i>
Page 85 - 96
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Chapter 5: Impressions and Contacts of American Writers in Vienna in the Late 1920s and Early 1930s
Page 97 - 114
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Chapter 6: Networks of Anglophone Foreign Correspondents in Vienna and in Central Europe in the Early 1930s
Page 115 - 144
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Chapter 7: Wright Morris and his Inspiration through his Stay in Vienna and at Burg Ranna in Lower Austria and his Transatlantic Contacts
Page 145 - 160
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Chapter 8: The Appeal of the Viennese School of Psychoanalysis and Hilda Doolittle’s Sessions with Dr. Freud
Page 161 - 176
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Chapter 9: The Austrian Civil War and Its Aftermath as Perceived by Anglophone Visitors
Page 177 - 190
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Chapter 10: Kay Boyle and the Representation of Alpine Austria(ns)
Page 191 - 208
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Chapter 11: American (and British) Visitors in the Indian Summer of Austria in the 1930s
Page 209 - 244
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Chapter 12: The Catastrophe of the Anschluss as Perceived by Anglo-American Observers and their Support for Austrian Emigrants
Page 245 - 260
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Chapter 13: Joseph Freeman and his Depiction of Vienna and Austria
Page 261 - 274
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Chapter 14: Aftermath: Post-War Vienna and Austria in Reports and in Fiction by Anglophone Writers
Page 275 - 292
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Page 293 - 316
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Index of Persons and Subjects
Page 317 - 324
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978-3-7001-8270-2, Print, softcover, 09.11.2018
978-3-7001-8428-7, eBook, PDF, limited accessibility, 09.11.2018
1. Auflage
323 Pages

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