This volume presents the data used for the synchronisation of the stratigraphic levels of two Egyptian settlement sites, one of the late Middle Kingdom and the other, the Second Intermediate Period (ca. 1770 – 1550/40 BC). The analysis is based on the ceramic finds from the settlement layers of the ancient capitals of Tell el-Dab´a (Avaris) in the eastern Delta and of Kom Rabica (Memphis) just south of modern Cairo. Whilst the main focus of the research project was synchronising the relative chronologies of these two sites, another activity was an investigation of the possibility of archaeologically tracing the physical presence of the Hyksos, who allegedly conquered and ruled all of Egypt, in Memphis. The methods applied include random sampling, presence/absence analysis and quantitative analysis, the levels in question being phases G/4 to D/2 at Tell el-Dab´a and levels VIII to V at Kom Rabica. Whereas the material from the beginning of these sequences is quite comparable, in the course of analysis it emerged that the development of the material cultures of these two sites took different routes, particularly from level VId and phase E/1 onwards. Under the rule of the Hyksos, in the delta area a hybrid material culture developed that contained traits of Levantine Middle Bronze Age culture as well as the native Egyptian culture, as is most clearly expressed in the ceramic corpus. In contrast, the ceramic corpus at Kom Rabica developed out of the later Middle Kingdom corpus. This suggests that Memphis was not subjected to colonisation by the Hyksos.
Ägypten und Levante XXXIII / Egypt and the Levant XXXIII (2023)
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Tell el-Dabʿa XIV.2
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Ägypten und Levante XXXII / Egypt and the Levant XXXII (2022)
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Ägypten und Levante XXXI / Egypt and the Levant XXXI (2021)
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Material Culture and Identities in Egyptology
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Tell el-Dabʿa XXV ‒ Die materielle Kultur der Spät- und Ptolemäerzeit im Delta Ägyptens am Beispiel von Tell el-Dabaʿa
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Ägypten und Levante XXX – Jubiläumsausgabe – 30 Jahre Ägypten und Levante / Egypt and the Levant XXX – Anniversary Edition – 30 Years of Egypt and the Levant (2020)
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The Ancient Near East in Transregional Perspective
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Tell el-Dabʿa XXIV
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Ägypten und Levante XXIX / Egypt and the Levant XXIX (2019)
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Ägypten und Levante XXVIII / Egypt and the Levant XXVIII (2018)
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Tradition and Transformation in Ancient Egypt
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Decorated Pottery in Cyprus and Philista in the 12 Century BC: Cypriot IIIC and Philistine IIIC
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Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern Palaces. Volume I
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Across Borders I
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"Sea Peoples" Up-to-Date
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Reconstructing Pharaonic Architecture in Nubia: The Case Study of SAV1, Sai Island
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Ägypten und Levante XXVII / Egypt and the Levant. XXVII (2017)
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Ägypten und Levante XXVI / Egypt and the Levant XXVI (2016)