Project Notebook 2017–2023
Dispersed & Connected. Artistic Fragments along the Steppe and Silk Roads
This book is a “meta-notebook” that was created at the end of the collaborative art-based research project “Dispersed and Connected. Artistic Fragments along the Steppe and Silk Roads”. It is a montage of dispersed and connected snippets, encounters, glimpses and afterthoughts ‒ a result of established relations and collaboration during research in Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Georgia, China and Europe. From all the notes, drawings, art works, maps, plans, photos, conversations, audio files, film recordings and objects, at the end only fragments are shown in scientific publications or exhibitions. The processual nature of research can be found in the notebooks. The book contains various kind of notes such as archival notes, field notes, exhibition glimpses, artistic notes and texts by researchers and artists.
With an introductory essay on notebooks by Michael Taussig and contributions by Umida Akhmedova, Vyacheslav Akhunov, Baatarnaran Tsetsentsolmon, Baatarzorig Batjargal, Bat-Erdene Batchuluun, Nomin Bold, Tsering Drongshar, Johannes Heuer, Christian Jahoda, Dilyara Kaipova, Paul Kolling, Maria-Katharina Lang, Khosbayar Narankhuu, Tamar Skhirtladze, Christian Sturminger, Axel Steinmann, Alexey Ulko, and Jack Wolf.
Supported by:
Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) - Projekte