
Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität besonders des 9.‒12. Jahrhunderts

Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität besonders des 9.‒12. Jahrhunderts
7. Faszikel (προσπέλασις–ταριχευτικός). Unter Mitarbeit von Sonja Schönauer, Carolina Cupane, Elisabeth Schiffer, Vratislav Zervan, Johannes Diethart, Maria Cassiotou-Panayotopoulos und Andreas Rhoby sowie von Manfred Hammer, José Declerck, Wolfram Hörandner, Robert Volk, Georgios Fatouros und Günther Henrich
1. Auflage, 2011
The present 7th fascicle of the Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität (LBG) includes at first the final portion of the words beginning with pi, particularly the remaining verbal compounds beginning with the most productive prepositions πρό und πρός. As for the lemmata beginning with rho, there are quite a few of Latin origin, especially the terms from legal literature. The greatest part, however, is reserved for the words beginning with sigma which are included completely; among these, compounds with συ(ν)- require most of the pages. Since the processing of the 6th fascicle, the number of editions which had to be newly excerpted or by which former editions had to replaced, has been steadily increasing. The most important of these, along with those of the 5th and 6th fascicle, are to be found in the new supplementary list of abbreviations enclosed with the 7th fascicle. And once again, it has been the electronic media which brought about further extension, first of all the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) of which the most recent internet version has been used for comparison once more after the processing of the manuscripts in order to provide the highest possible actuality. Additionally, papyri have continuously been taken into account by the use of the CD-Rom released by the Packard Humanities Institute as well as Hagedorn’s supplementary list of papyri. On the whole, in comparison to the fascicles of the first volume (A-K), there has been an increase of considerably more than 10%. The problem (which arose during the processing of the 6th fascicle) that Kriaras’ Lexicon is still engaged with the preparation of the lemmata beginning with pi, has once again been solved for the user by the constant upgrading of an index created from already existing word registers of vernacular (and also post-Byzantine) texts of which the most important works are named along with other lexica at the end of each entry.
available as


978-3-7001-6904-8, Print, softcover, 31.07.2011
978-3-7001-7177-5, eBook, PDF, limited accessibility, 14.12.2011
1. Auflage
316 Pages
German, Ancient Greek
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Thesaurus Linguae Graecae

Digital version of the Lexikons zur Byzantinischen Gräzität in the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (requires login)

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