
Çukuriçi Höyük 3

Çukuriçi Höyük 3
Ein frühbronzezeitliches Metallhandwerkerzentrum in Westanatolien
1. Auflage, 2022
This monograph focuses on the interdisciplinary examination of the metallurgical finds from Çukuriçi Höyük (western Turkey), which date from the Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age (c. 3300–2700 BC). The exceptionally rich ensemble includes almost all parts of the technological chain (chaîne opératoire), from tools, casting moulds, furnaces, ores, raw metal and ingots to finished products, tin bronzes and precious metals (Au, Ag). On the one hand, these remains were classified according to archaeological typological criteria, and on the other hand, they were analysed using various scientific methods (metallography, SEM-EDS, ED-XRF and lead isotope analysis). The arsenical copper production can be regarded as an outstanding result of the research; to date, there are only very few Bronze Age sites where evidence for this is present. The produced As-copper was fed into the East Aegean-West Anatolian networks. Precious metal and weapons additionally demonstrate that not only everyday objects but also prestige goods were produced. The fact that some of these pieces are locally made of the new – until then unknown – material tin bronze underlines the "gateway function" of the tell on the western Turkish coast. The silver-copper alloy produced on site additionally demonstrates that the metallurgists were integrated into wide-ranging technology and communication networks of Early Bronze Age elites. The concluding holistic discussion of these results makes it possible to gain an in-depth picture of metal craftsmanship and its embedding in Early Bronze Age exchange and social systems.
Supported by: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) - Selbstständige Publikationen
Supported by: Universität Wien ‒ Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
available as


978-3-7001-8710-3, Print, hardcover, 07.07.2022
978-3-7001-8962-6, eBook, PDF (limited accessibility) or EPub (unlimited accessibility), 29.06.2022
1. Auflage
468 Pages
numerous colour and b/w images, figures, charts
DOI (Link to Online Edition):

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