
Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern Palaces. Volume I

Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern Palaces. Volume I
Proceedings of the Conference on Palaces in Ancient Egypt, held in London 12th–14th June 2013, organised by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the University of Würzburg and the Egypt Exploration Society
1. Auflage, 2018
This collection of studies on palaces in Ancient Egypt is the result of a conference organised by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the University of Würzburg and the Egypt Exploration Society from 12th to 14th of June 2013 in London. The result is a compilation of information – archaeological and textual – one can resort to in order to develop strategies to understand architectural and functional variations and recognise schemes of building canons for palaces in Ancient Egypt. In addition, the understanding of Ancient Egyptian palaces is amplified with specialised studies regarding architectural and administrative terminology. The combined evidence shows that there was indeed a variability in function, in architecture and in the physical situation of palaces in Ancient Egypt. Besides a common space program such as the succession of courtyard, portico, vestibule, throne room and the intimate part of the palace, one may observe a variability of the number of aisles or of columns present as well as in the thickness of walls. This fact points to hierarchical rules concerning the importance of the building. As the architecture is often preserved only in its foundations, it is important to learn what kind of walls were load-bearing, what the size of division walls is and which kind of walls once carried columns. All these first observations have to undergo an evaluation process before one can think of discovering a building canon. A general introducing section is followed by contributions covering Ancient Egyptian palaces from Predynastic times until the New Kingdom. More contributions on the subject will follow in the second volume, which will deal mainly with Ancient Near Eastern Palaces as outcome of a palace workshop at the 10th ICAANE, held in 2016 in Vienna. Together, these two volumes will contribute to a better understanding of the architectural canon and diversity of palaces in Ancient Egypt and the difference in concept to their Ancient Oriental counterparts.
available as


Buildings We Call Palaces
Page 9 - 22

Introduction to Palaces in Egypt: What They Tell Us about the Ruler, Administration and Culture
Page 23 - 38

Palaces of the Ancient Mind: The Textual Record versus Archaeological Evidence
Page 39 - 64

Der Königspalast in der ägyptischen Frühzeit
Page 65 - 78

The Early Dynastic Palace at Hierakonpolis
Page 79 - 100

Recent Investigations of Early Dynastic Building Structures at Tell el-Fara‘in/Buto
Ulrich Hartung
Page 101 - 112

A Ceremonial Building of King Snofru at Dashur
Page 113 - 124

The Governor’s Palaces at Ayn Asil/Balat (Dakhla Oasis/Western Desert)
Clara Jeuthe
Page 125 - 140

The Central Building Unit in the City of Elephantine from 2300 - 2000 BC
Page 141 - 148

The Old Kingdom Royal Palace
Miroslav Verner
Page 149 - 156

Palace Cemeteries of the Eastern Delta
Page 157 - 168

Palace Administration in Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period Egypt
Page 169 - 222

A Thutmosid Palace Precinct at Peru-nefer (Tell el-Dab‘a)
Page 223 - 250

Palaces in so-called Nubian Temple Towns: A Reassessment
Page 251 - 274

Recent Work at Malqata Palace
Page 275 - 282

Deir el-Ballas
Page 283 - 292

The Temple Palace
Page 293 - 304

Page 305 - 306

Page 307 - 310

978-3-7001-7954-2, Print, softcover, 02.03.2018
978-3-7001-8293-1, eBook, PDF (limited accessibility) or EPub (unlimited accessibility), 02.03.2018
1. Auflage
309 Pages
numerous colour and b/w images

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