Current issue
VIRUS – Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der Medizin, Band 22
Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der Medizin

The journal “Virus – Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der Medizin” is the publication medium of the Austrian Society for the Social History of Medicine and is published once a year. It brings together scientific contributions from various disciplines which deal in an empirical way with topics from the fields of medicine, health and illness from a historical, cultural and / or social sciences perspective. “Virus” primarily publishes articles relating to the history of medicine in Austria, its neighbouring countries and the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. There are no limits regarding the periods to be covered, but the focus is primarily on contributions dealing with medicine in the modern era and modernism / post-modernism. (16th-21st centuries).

ISSN: 1605-7066

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22 Matches
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