
Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie (MiChA)

Current issue
Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie, Band 30 (2024)
Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie (MiChA)

The journal “Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie” was founded in 1995 and is published regularly once a year. In addition to the – on average – four scientific articles on topics relating to Christian archaeology, in the broadest possible sense and in the context of classical archaeology, ancient history, art history, Byzantine studies, classical philology and religious studies, it also provides bibliographies of works on Late Antiquity and Christian archaeology in Austria (with an appendix on late antique / early Christian Ephesos). Since Volume 9 (2003), an electronic version of the journal has also been published. Its primary objective is an international orientation, i.e. disseminating new results from research in the discipline of Christian archaeology around the globe. Another aspect is supporting the next generation of researchers. The articles, written in German, English, French and Italian, are written by authors from around the world. Because of the topic of research, the regional focus is on the European and Mediterranean regions, but it is not limited to these areas.

Indexed by: Crossref, ERIH PLUS, SCImago (SJR), SCOPUS

ISSN Print: 1025-6555 | ISSN Online: 1814-2036

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