
Österreichisches und europäisches Wirtschaftsprivatrecht

Österreichisches und europäisches Wirtschaftsprivatrecht
Teil 8/3: Vergaberecht
1. Auflage, 2003
An examination of the effects of European Procurement Law has been published as a last volume in a series that discusses the importance of EC Law for Austrian Commercial Civil Law in the broadest yet most comprehensive manner possible. Implementing the European requirements but also continuing Austrian traditions, the Austrian legislators have created national reorganisation by means of the Bundesvergabegesetz 2002 that has replaced the previous nine municipal laws and the former Federal Law. The presented examination discusses the core questions of Civil Law, in particular the law of contract and tort as relating to public procurement law against a background of the requirements included in the ten European Directives. The importance of the examination for the practice of public procurement cannot be overestimated as implementing public procurement law normally concerns contracts for purchase as well as for work and services.
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