
Nag‘ el-Scheima, eine befestigte christliche Siedlung und andere christliche Denkmäler in Sayala - Nubien

Nag‘ el-Scheima, eine befestigte christliche Siedlung und andere christliche Denkmäler in Sayala - Nubien
Teil II: Grabungsergebnisse aus der Sicht neuerer Forschungen
1. Auflage, 1998
The report on the archaeological excavations at Nag a‘ el-Scheima, which where conducted in the northern Nubian Valley of the Nile by Austrian archaeologists between 1993 and 1965 under the auspices of UNESCO, presents a vivid picture of a continuously settled community from the late Classical Age to the High Middle Ages. The development of more precise methods for ceramic analysis has ensured more accurate dating of finds from different levels. Detailed examination has resulted in new findings in the history of architecture in medieval Christian Nubia, as regards construction of. both fortresses and religious buildings. Thus, the motivation for the hitherto unexplained eastern passage in the chancel of the churches can be accounted for by the religious practice of the Nubians which was oriented towards Jerusalem. Detailed accounts of research carried out cover the development of mural painting as well as the wealth of imported artisan-made objects which reflect the high living standards enjoyed by the inhabitants of this settlement. Special studies were undertaken to examine the plant and textile finds. Certain details of these archaeological findings would seem to indicate that Christian life in this place came to a dramatic end, probably around the year 1172.
available as


978-3-7001-2655-3, Print, softcover, 01.01.1998
1. Auflage
569 Pages
zahlreiche Textfiguren und Abb., ein Plan als Beilage

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