
Wiener Studien ‒ Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, Patristik und lateinische Tradition, Band 128/2015

Wiener Studien ‒ Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, Patristik und lateinische Tradition, Band 128/2015
1. Auflage, 2015
Die „Wiener Studien“, gegründet 1879, sind eine internationale wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, Patristik und lateinische Tradition. Sie erscheinen jährlich, unterliegen einem Peer-Review-Verfahren und werden vom Institut für Klassische Philologie, Mittel- und Neulatein der Universität Wien, vom Fachbereich Altertumswissenschaften, CSEL, der Universität Salzburg und vom Institut für Kulturgeschichte der Antike der ÖAW in Kooperation herausgegeben.
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Nel laboratorio di Esiodo tra imitazione e stile formulare
Summary – The object of the present article is to clarify some features of the technique of versification in Hesiod’s poetry. It is possible to make evident two different modalities in his poetic diction: one typically coherent with the formulaic style of epic and another one more creative which can be found in the elaboration of phrases bound to the context, thereby sometimes revealing imitation of Homeric patterns.
Michaela Lombardi
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Open Access

One deception, many lies. Frr. 301/302 Radt and Aeschylus' Philoctetes
Summary – This note argues that the most likely attribution for frr. 301/302 Radt of incerta fabula is to Aeschylus’ Philoctetes, where they are delivered by Odysseus as a selfjustification. Few tragic deceptions could more reasonably be described as “just” than that of Odysseus in Philoctetes, for his guile served the just cause of assuring the Greek victory. According to Dio Chrysostom on Aeschylus’ Philoctetes (or. 52), Odysseus disguised his own identity and told several lies concerning the condition of the Greek army; this corresponds to the one “just deception” and the several “timely lies” mentioned in our fragments.
Laura Gianvittorio
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Open Access

Textprobleme im Hippolytos des Euripides
Summary: The author of this article intends to demonstrate the existence of a genuine μέν solitarium at the beginning of the prologue (line 1) and to explain its function. He defends the transmitted text of line 277 (θανεῖν) and line 953 (σίτοιϛ) as genuine. Other passages which seem to be in need of emendation are discussed. Among the proposed solutions, there are two, which seem to have every chance to be accepted (line 715 προτραπεῖσ ἐγὠ instead of προτρἐπουσ ἐγὠ and line 1014 εἰκός instead of εἰ μἠ).
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Open Access

The intelligence typology in Hippocrates’ De victu I 35
Summary – Book I of the Hippocratic treatise De victu deals with the philosophical foundations of medicine and concludes with a typology of human intelligence according to the soul’s composition of fire and water. In this paper I examine ch. I 32 within the philosophical and anthropological context of De victu I, with special emphasis on the relations between the intelligence typology and the typology of human constitutions described by the author in ch. I 32.
Cǎtǎlin Enache
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Open Access

Gemma e simposio nel nuovo Posidippo. Con una nota sul κισσύβιον teocriteo (P. Mil. VogI. VIII, 309, col. I, 10- 13 = 3 A.- B.; Theocr. 1,30 ss.)
Summary – The ancient symposion revives in Posidippus with new thematics, evoked both by the donor of the ruby and by the woman who receives it. The decoration of the gem reflects the techne of the poeta doctus, besides revealing a symbolism which can be approached to the Theocritean kissybion.
Luigi Belloni
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Open Access

Exempla in Virgil’s Underworld
Summary – In Aeneid 6, Hercules and Dionysus point towards the deification of Augustus; the mythological poets amply scattered through Elysium may be there to launch a sense that Virgil too will one day tread those very same meadows as a reward for his service as poet to the state. And the great Romans of the ‘Heldenschau’? There as exempla to help persuade first Aeneas and secondly the Roman reader to shoulder the various burdens of the res publica.
Nicholas Horsfall
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Open Access

Corinthium aes. Entstehung und Metamorphose einer Anekdote
Summary – Corinthium aes was the most precious alloy in antiquity. The anecdote concerning the alloy’s origin played a crucial part in maintaining its fame. This paper collects and interprets the ancient narratives about this story and points out parallels between Naturalis Historia’s other anecdotes related to the origin of extraordinary materials. The aim of the research is to reconstruct the shaping of this anecdote and the sociohistorical background behind this process.
Ágnes Darab
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Open Access

Florus and his Vergilius orator an poeta. The Brussels manuscript revisited
Summary – The treatise “Vergilius orator an poeta”, attributed to P. Annius Florus (who often is identified with the historian Florus) is known only from a fragment in one single manuscript, Brussels, Royal Library of Belgium, MS 10615-729. After its discovery in the 1830s, this fragment has often been edited, with ever more emendations. The present article proposes a new edition, returning to the manuscript itself, and weighing and discussing all preceding corrections.
Michiel Verweij
Seite 83 - 106 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/wst128s83
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Open Access

Les sententiae chez Florus
Summary – In Florus’ Epitome, the gnomic sentences are fewer than the epigrammatic ones, since there are only thirteen maxims, which deal with war, diplomacy or morality. They have three main functions. First, as an ornamental component of Florus’ work, they are characterized above all by brevitas and by the use of the rhythmical clausulae generally preferred by the historian. Moreover, they do not conclude a narrative, but they are used as transitions in order to announce a sudden change; thanks to them, Florus may also give a simplified version of events. At last, as far as ideology is concerned, it appears that they confirm the general views Florus expressed elsewhere, like the moral decline of Rome between 133 B. C. and Augustus, the need for cautiousness in the provincial administration and the organic view of the state.
Guillaume Lachapelle
Seite 107 - 128 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/wst128s107
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Open Access

Arte allusiva e mitologia astrale in Epigr. Bob. 29 Sp.
Summary – The following paper presents an interpretative hypothesis on Epigr. Bob. 29 Sp. which fits in the cultural debate on the reception of Aratus’ Φαινόμενα with elements of rhetorical variatio. Under the influence of Greek epigrams on animals which emphasized the element of Wonder and Absurd, the γρῖφος of the Greek model, AP 9, 18, is revised with stylistic variations and developed, at v. 4, translating the singular ἀστερόεντα κύνα with the plural sideribus canibus which fully implies astronomical connotations.
Rosa Maria D’ Angelo
Seite 129 - 144 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/wst128s129
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Open Access

Zu unbeachteten Quellen und zur Kapitelzählung der Regula Donati (Ergänzendes zu CSEL 98)
Summary – In the 7th century, Donatus, bishop of Besan on, wrote a rule for nuns based on the Regula Benedicti, the Regula Caesarii ad virgines and the Regulae Columbani. This article discusses previously unnoticed allusions to late antique authors in Donatus’ openingletter, which shed light on Donatus’ erudition and his skilful use of prefatory-topoi for his captatio benevolentiae. The second part of this article deals with the lost index of contents and the manifold problems concerning the number of Capitula of Donatus’ Regula.
Seite 145 - 172 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/wst128s145
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Open Access

Verba superba. Ein Blick in Ekkeharts IV. Dichterwerkstatt
Summary – In this article, the abstract instructions given by Ekkehart IV to his brother Immo are examined in detail. These instructions were written as a poetic composition recommending the replacement of common expressions by “lofty words” which grant a higher literary level to a poem. The recommended lexical material ranges from typical poetic expressions from the classical age to metaphors for Christian topics. After the abstract section, Ekkehart appends two short letters as examples of elevated poetic style; the content of these two related letters ascends, in a way, from the earthly realm into paradise. How the use of “lofty words” affects the versification of a biblical text (which is in every single word true for Christians) is shown through lexical analysis of the first verses of Ekkehart’s comprehensive “epigrammatic epic” of the entire Scriptures – that is, an analysis of the verse inscriptions (tituli) to the never realized fresco cycle for the Mainz Cathedral. Ekkehart’s undertaking benefits from contemporary allegorical exegesis.
Seite 173 - 198 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/wst128s173
0,00 €
Open Access

Literarische Tätigkeit des Zisterziensers Robert, Bischofs von Olmütz (1201 – 1240)
Summary – This article presents the work of the Olomouc Bishop Robert (1201–1204) based on the findings resulting from the preparation of an edition of his exegesis on the Song of Solomon (Compilatio super Cantica canticorum) and from the modern study of the manuscripts of two of his other, hitherto unedited writings (the sermon collection Opus super epistolas and the compendium Summa confessionum). The author points out that although up to now the Cistercian prelate has received little attention in medieval research, Robert of Olomouc was one of the greatest scholars living in the Bohemian lands during the reign of the Přemyslids, and as a bold pioneer in various genres of theological literature, he plays an important role in the history of medieval Bohemian Latin literature.
Anna Pumporvá
Seite 199 - 222 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/wst128s199
0,00 €
Open Access

Beccadelli und der ‚Schatz des Blinden‘. Der Weg einer Fabel von Lullus zu La Fontaine
Summary – Introduced into European literature by Ramon Llull around 1290, the fable known as ‘The Blind Man’s Treasure’ was passed on and modified by various other authors before finding its way into La Fontaine’s Fables. This article is concerned with the important role Antonio Beccadelli of Palermo (1394 – 1471) played in the process. It will be shown that Beccadelli drew from Llull’s original fable, ignoring 14th-century adaptations, and that it was his version that was adapted by La Fontaine’s source, Abstemius.
Thomas Tschögele
Seite 223 - 246 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/wst128s223
0,00 €
Open Access

Rezensionen und Kurzanzeigen
Seite 247 - 262 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1553/wst128s247
0,00 €
Open Access

978-3-7001-7851-4, Zeitschriftenausgabe, broschiert, 09.09.2015
978-3-7001-7881-1, E-Journal, PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 09.09.2015
1. Auflage
262 Seiten
Englisch, Italienisch, Französisch, Deutsch
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