
A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul
1. Auflage, 2001
Dieses Wörterbuch bietet eine vollständige Erfassung sämtlicher altirischer Wörter, die in den Würzburger Glossen belegt sind, begleitet von einer umfassenden morphologischen, syntaktischen und lexikalischen Analyse. Es erschließt damit den semantischen und grammatischen Inhalt eines der wichtigsten altirischen Glossencorpora.
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A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: Ebook

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: A

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: B

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: C

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: D

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: E

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: F

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: G

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: I

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: L

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: M

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: N

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: O

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: P

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: R

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: S

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: T

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: U

A Lexicon of the Old Irish Glosses in the Würzburg Manuscript of the Epistles of St. Paul: Table of Contents

978-3-7001-3014-7, Printausgabe, gebunden, 01.01.2001
1. Auflage
907 Seiten
mit CD-ROM
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