
Wohnungsmarktintegration ukrainischer Geflüchteter. Інтеграція українських біженців на ринку житла

Wohnungsmarktintegration ukrainischer Geflüchteter. Інтеграція українських біженців на ринку житла
Eine vergleichende Analyse von Wien und Lwiw. Порівняльний аналіз Відня та Львова
This publication is underpinned by a comprehensive theoretical and empirical foundation, as it analyses the state of research into the residential integration of refugees in a European and international context. It also addresses the specific characteristics of and developments in the housing markets in Vienna and Lviv, as well as the differences with regard to housing policy structures and aims. In specific terms, it looks at the institutional and organisational framework conditions for residential integration for internally displaced persons in Lviv and for Ukrainian refugees in Vienna. This is followed by a comparative analysis of various aspects of residential integration in both cities, including both the specific challenges faced by the refugees and the supportive measures adopted by the cities and NGOs and the positive effects thereof, as well as aspects that need to be improved. The role of the pertinent NGOS in the field of residential integration and beyond in relation to integration into the labour market, access to the education system and acquisition of the German language is also analysed, primarily on the basis of interviews with experts. The many aspects of the living situation of the refugees at the time they were questioned are illustrated by means of quotes from the interviews, as are the personal views of the respondents on the particular challenges faced in their own integration process and specific barriers that had to be overcome in order to get there. Finally, based on the results of the research, recommendations and suggestions on the urban housing policy for Ukrainian refugees in Vienna and internally displaced persons in Lviv in order to make integrating into the new urban environment easier are put forward. The study closes with general conclusions from the comparative analysis of the challenges to integration within the housing market for Ukrainian refugees in Vienna and internally displaced persons in Lviv.
available as


978-3-7001-9720-1, Print, softcover, 01.02.2025
978-3-7001-9734-8, eBook, PDF, limited accessibility, 01.02.2025
304 Pages
numerous colour images and figures
German, Ukrainian
DOI (Link to Online Edition):

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