Wissenschaftlicher Nachlass der deutsch-böhmischen archäologischen Expedition nach Lykaonien, Ostpamphylien und Isaurien (Kleinasien) durchgeführt im Jahre 1902
Zusammengestellt aus dem Staatsarchiv in Prag und dem Bayrischen Hauptstaatsarchiv in München
A chain of fortunate circumstances and accidents combined with cordial international collaboration enabled the editors are to locate the materials, long feared to have been lost, left by the 1902 archaeological expedition sent to Asia Minor by the Society for the Promotion of German Science, Art and Culture in Bohemia. In 2006, some of the materials were found in the Prague City Archives, and others in the estate of the former expedition member, the balkanologist and linguist Carl Ludwig Patsch (1865–1945), in the Bavarian Main State Archives in Munich. This present edition publishes relevant extracts from this collection for the first time, linking the two sets of materials with each other. The volume contains numerous unknown and historically valuable documents, letters, correspondence and historic photographs of the expedition, which visited the historical landscapes and ancient provinces of Isauria, Lykaonia und East Pamphylia. Alongside the historical documentary value, this volume is a contribution to the history of science, thereby illuminating inter alia the state of knowledge in the German Bohemian territories of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and in the Sudetenland at the beginning of the 20th century and between the World Wars.
Printed with the support of the Fund for the Promotion of Academic Research.