The 18th Symposion of the International Society for Greek and Hellenistic Legal History took place in Paris, September 7–10, 2011. 15 papers were presented, and respondents opened the discussion about every paper. Starting with a historical overview of French scholars’ contribution on ancient Greek law the papers and responses are collected in this volume: archaic Cretan law, law of classical Athens, epigraphic evidence from other poleis of Hellenistic and Roman times, legal papyri, parallels to cuneiform legal documents. The Symposion supports the cooperation of legal historians with those studying all aspects of Classical Antiquity allowing the participants a free choice of topics from their current areas of research.
Quel remède à quelle crise ? La fonction des nomophylaques dans le « contrôle de la légitimité constitutionnelle » athénienne sous Démétrios de Phalère : réponse à Antonio Banfi