Soziale Strukturen
Band IX, 2. Teilband: Die Gesellschaft der Habsburgermonarchie im Kartenbild. Verwaltungs-, Sozial-und Infrastrukturen. Nach dem Zensus von 1910
This volume clarifies, supplements and offers additional argumentative support to the soon to be published volume on social structures of the Habsburg monarchy. The statistics derived from the population census of 1910, presenting 96 maps on different topics, give a good insight and are an incentive to carry out further studies. Austrian political districts and similar administrative units in Hungary are shown in the statistics. The following topics are taken into consideration: administrative organisation, ethnic groups, religious beliefs, demographic factors, employment, occupational type, agricultural diversity, land use, housing developments, household budgets, housing, system of education, deployment of the military, and the rail network. The centres and boundaries of social and economic development, as well as disparities, are demonstrated in the demographic and socio-economic features. All in all, these maps can be considered representative of the countries of the Habsburg monarchy a hundred years ago and are still influencing the present.