
Schöne Wissenschaften

Schöne Wissenschaften
Sammeln, Ordnen und Präsentieren im josephinischen Wien
1. Auflage, 2021
With "Schöne Wissenschaften" (Beautiful Sciences) in the title of the volume, a central philosophical term of the Enlightenment is taken up, with which various ideas of beauty and science are connected. These ideas played a role in art and natural science collections in the late 18th century and direct the attention to the revealing and interesting structures of knowledge and cognition of that time. "Beautiful Sciences" focuses on the art and natural science collections under Emperor Joseph II (r. 1765-1790), and makes them the entry point to a far-reaching analysis of their history, and of how they were understood scientifically and by the public in Vienna during the Enlightenment. Going beyond the field of collections, the essays are also devoted to the initiatives that at the same time were concerned with systematizing and ordering, and provided impulses for the arrangement and presentation of the imperial collections. From the perspective of collecting, organizing, and presenting, the book explores the extent to which the Josephine collections concentrate the ideas of the Enlightenment and translate them into practice, and thus turn them into places of knowledge and learning. The aim of this volume is to relate the collection and ordering projects and their public presentation to one another beyond a single case study showing that an interdisciplinary reflection can lead to a deeper understanding of art and natural science collections and of the fundamentally new quality of view of the world during the Enlightenment.
Supported by: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) - Selbstständige Publikationen
available as


978-3-7001-8642-7, Print, softcover, 07.05.2021
978-3-7001-8930-5, eBook, PDF (limited accessibility) or EPub (unlimited accessibility), 07.05.2021
1. Auflage
302 Pages
numerous colour and b/w images
DOI (Link to Online Edition):

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Video book presentation "Schöne Wissenschaften" on YouTube

The Austrian Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (ÖGE18) is pleased to present its new video project ÖGE18 Update - News from the Science Book Box with the volume "Schöne Wissenschaften: Sammeln, Ordnen und Präsentieren im josephinischen Wien" edited by Anna Mader-Kratky and Nora Fischer. On its own YouTube channel, the ÖGE18 offers authors and editors the possibilty to present newly published works in short interviews (max. 10 minutes).

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