
Regenzeiten, Feuchtgebiete, Körpersäfte

Regenzeiten, Feuchtgebiete, Körpersäfte
Das Wasser in der klassischen indischen Medizin
1. Auflage, 2020
"Regenzeiten, Feuchtgebiete, Körpersäfte" analyses the role of water in early Indian medicine on the basis of its source texts. In three large sections, Angermeier discusses the medical relevance of nature and climate, the role of water in the human body and its dietary and medical use, offering multi-layered insights into the intellectual history of early Ayurveda. Since this healthcare system considers water not only in the strict medical sense, but also deals in detail with climatic and ecological conditions that are essential for a long, healthy life, this book provides relevant aspects for all disciplines that deal with water in South Asia.
Supported by: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) - Selbstständige Publikationen
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