
Penetrometry in the Solar System II

Penetrometry in the Solar System II
Proceedings of the International Workshop held in Graz September 25-28, 2006
1. Auflage, 2009
This volume reports on the latest developments in a small, but exciting field of research–namely the in situ exploration of planetary sub-surface layers. This field will become more and more important in the coming decades, since several recent space missions and a few in the near future carry landers that have instruments for sub-surface exploring. Among these are: The ESA-Huygens mission, which successfully landed on Saturn´s moon Titan in 2004, ESA´s comet mission Rosetta including its lander Philae, expected to land on a comet nucleus in 2014, and several lander missions to the Moon and to Mars. Different methods exist for gaining access to the sub-surface of a planetary body, and these are discussed here in detail. Among these are: hammering devices, drilling devices, melting probes, and penetrators. A major part of the book is devoted to describing such devices and to a comparison of their performance in different planetary environments. Penetrators can be considered "hard landers"; they approach the planetary surface at high speed and enter the sub-surface simply through their high inertial momentum. Such devices are subjected to very high inertial forces during landing and penetration, and the instruments aboard such vehicles must be able to withstand these high deceleration forces without being damaged. In contrast, hammering and drilling devices and melting probes are launched in a more gentle way and need soft landers for their operation. All of these methods are expected to be applied in the near future on the surfaces of Mars, the Moon, as well as a number of comets and asteroids. The application of melting probes is restricted to surfaces consisting of ice, but this might be the most effective means for exploring deep layers on icy satellites like Jupiter´s moon Europa or Saturn´s moon Enceladus, which are of high interest with regard to astrobiology.
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Soil penetration analysis of mole penetrometers: Reflections on a methodology considering the physics of sands
Page 3 - 18
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Alternative methods to penetrate ice layers
Page 19 - 34
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Micro-scale modelling of the interaction of a penetrator with a granular medium
Page 35 - 56
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On the use of the Fourier number to interpret thermal measurements with a quasi–linear heat source
Page 57 - 82
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A “micro” concept for a planetary penetrator & drill package
Page 83 - 92
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Use of hammering to determine cometary nucleus mechanical properties
Page 93 - 108
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Thermal measurements on penetrators: geometry, sensitivity and optimisation issues
Page 109 - 122
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Initial results from hydrocode modelling of the impact of SMART–1 on the lunar surface
Page 123 - 132
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Open Access

Reconstruction of grain size distributions from quasi–static soil penetrometry experiments
Page 133 - 146
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Open Access

Titan surface mechanical properties from the SSP ACC–I record of the impact deceleration of the Huygens probe
Page 147 - 156
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Open Access

Technical aspects of Huygens SSP penetrometer design
Page 157 - 172
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Open Access

Methodology for survivability and design of high speed penetrometers
Page 173 - 186
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Open Access

Design and testing of kinetic energy penetrators
Page 187 - 206
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Open Access

Development of kinetic penetrators for exploration of airless solar system bodies
Page 207 - 216
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Open Access

Dynamical characteristics of a planetary penetrator
Page 217 - 232
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Open Access

Cosmogonic research — Change of the paradigm: the high velocity penetrator
Page 233 - 250
0,00 €
Open Access

Index of contributing Authors
Page 251 - 252
0,00 €

978-3-7001-6531-6, Print, softcover, 31.03.2009
978-3-7001-6664-1, eBook, PDF, limited accessibility, 11.12.2009
1. Auflage
256 Pages
DOI (Link to Online Edition):

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