
Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität besonders des 9.‒12. Jahrhunderts

Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität besonders des 9.‒12. Jahrhunderts
2. Band (Λ – Ω) 1. Teil Λ – προσπελαγίζω. 2 Teil προσπέλασις – Ω (Faszikel 5‒8). Unter Mitarbeit von Sonja Schönauer, Elisabeth Schiffer, Caroline Cupane, Johannes Diethart, Maria Cassiotou-Panayotopoulos, Andreas Rhoby, Wolfram Hörandner, Dominic Mertzanis und Vratislav Zervan sowie von Manfred Hammer, Günther Henrich, Robert Volk, Georgios Fatouros, José Declerck und Werner Voigt
1. Auflage, 2017
Since Charles Dufresne Sieur du Cange's pioneering work (Lyon 1688) Greek lexicography of the mediaeval period has been widely neglected with the result that a wide gap in the documentation of Greek vocabulary has now opened between late antique and Patristic Greek on the one hand and late Byzantine vernacular Greek on the other. The Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität (LBG) attempts to fill this lacuna by gathering systematically new words and meanings from texts from the 9th to 12th centuries, supplemented by material from the earlier and later centuries. Besides literary texts, documents as well as selected legal and scientific sources have beenincluded. The Lexicon will serve as a working instrument not only for Byzantinists, but also for classicists, mediaevalists, theologians, linguists etc. It will appear in eight fascicles of about 200 pages each. Fasc. 1–4 and 5–8 will form one volume. Subscribers will receive the cover for vol. I together with fasc. 4, the cover for vol.II and the definitive list of abbreviations together with fasc. 8.
available as


978-3-7001-7997-9, Print, hardcover, 29.05.2017
978-3-7001-8168-2, eBook, PDF, limited accessibility, 29.05.2017
1. Auflage
1153 Pages
2 volumes, 91 pages abbreviations index
German, Ancient Greek

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Thesaurus Linguae Graecae

Digital version of the Lexikons zur Byzantinischen Gräzität in the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (requires login)

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