
Landscape Archaeology in Southern Caucasia. Finding Common Ground in Diverse Environments

Landscape Archaeology in Southern Caucasia. Finding Common Ground in Diverse Environments
Proceedings of the Workshop held at 10th ICAANE in Vienna, April 2016
1. Auflage, 2018
Recent years have witnessed an explosion of research projects in Southern Caucasia that apply the methodologies and approaches of landscape archaeology. Focused on understanding the interaction between humans and their environments at multiple temporal and geographic scales, these projects have made use of intensive and extensive surveys, remote sensing and GIS-based analysis, very often taking a diachronic view. Landscape Archaeology in Southern Caucasia presents and reflects on projects currently employing these fresh perspectives and techniques in the lands between the Black and Caspian Seas, including and adjacent to the Greater and Lesser Caucasus mountain ranges; this takes in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and parts of eastern Turkey and northwestern Iran. Through the centuries, this region has been a vital zone of contact between the Near East, Anatolia and Central Asia, but has also – in large part due to its remarkable and often difficult terrain of mountains, river valleys and plains – maintained a unique and fascinating local trajectory of development. Landscape Archaeology in Southern Caucasia is the product of a workshop held at the 10th ICAANE in Vienna in April 2016, which brought together scholars from around the world engaged in archaeological survey and landscape analysis in Southern Caucasia. The contributions in the volume cover a broad timescale, from the Neolithic through the medieval period and into the modern day, and deal with such themes as the relationship between past and present landscapes, heritage management, the use of remote sensing, the value of integrating historical texts and legacy data into new projects, survey methodologies, and patterns of movement. The volume also includes discussion of avenues for further research, particularly in the fields of information sharing and deeper engagement with legacy data. Finally, Landscape Archaeology in Southern Caucasia reflects and celebrates the spirit of collaboration between scholars within and beyond Southern Caucasia that is both apparent in the diversity of current projects and crucial to achieving the aims of future work in the region.
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Landscape Archaeology in Southern Caucasia: An Introduction
Page 11 - 22
10,00 €
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Moving in the Mountains: GIS and Mapping the Phenomenology of Travel through the South Caucasus
Page 23 - 36
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Patterns of Settlement and Metallurgy in Late Bronze–Early Iron Age Kvemo Kartli, Southern Georgia
Page 37 - 52
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The Archaeological Landscape of the Hrazdan River Basin during the Late Bronze–Early Iron Age
Page 53 - 66
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A Survey Project on the Borderlands of Turkey - Armenia - Nakhchivan - North-western Iran: Preliminary Report of the 2014–2016 Surveys on the Middle Araxes Basin
Page 67 - 82
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Prehistory from the Ploughsoil: Interpreting Artefact Distributions from Intensive Survey in the Highlands of Samtskhe-Javakheti, Southern Georgia
Page 83 - 96
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Phasis and its Landscape: Preliminary Report of the Archaeological Survey of the Lower Stream of the Rioni River Delta
Page 97 - 104
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Samshvilde: Multidisciplinary Approaches to a Historical City of Central Transcaucasia
Page 105 - 118
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Medieval Underground Shelters (Darnebi) of South-west Georgia
Page 119 - 130
10,00 €
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Approaching Landscapes of Infrastructure: Methods and Results of the Vayots Dzor Silk Road Survey
Page 131 - 144
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Approaches to Understanding Provincial Structure in the Early Islamic Caucasus: Historic Landscape Characterisation in the Kura Plain
Page 145 - 160
10,00 €
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Page 161 - 164
0,00 €

Page 165 - 168
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978-3-7001-8204-7, Print, hardcover, 02.05.2018
978-3-7001-8350-1, eBook, PDF, limited accessibility, 02.05.2018
1. Auflage
167 Pages

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