
Iranische Namen in Nebenüberlieferungen indogermanischer Sprachen

Iranische Namen in Nebenüberlieferungen indogermanischer Sprachen
Faszikel 3: Iranian Personal Names in Armenian Collateral Tradition
1. Auflage, 2021
The Iranian element is the largest layer of the Armenian borrowed lexicon. It comprises a period of more than 2.500 years starting from pre-Achaemenid times up to the modern period. Also the number of Armenian personal names of Iranian origin is quite large, roughly estimated one quarter of all Armenian personal names. The Armenian evidence is of vital importance for completing the Iranian onomasticon. In many cases, Middle Persian and Parthian namesakes of Armenian personal names are not directly attested. Besides, Armenian helps to determine the exact shape of Iranian names. The present fascicle of the "Iranisches Personennamenbuch" aims to collect and etymologically interpret all the Iranian personal names, which are attested in Armenian texts up to 1300 CE. Occasionally, it also comprises names that are attested at a later stage but are likely to belong to earlier periods, as well as younger forms that are related with older names and are therefore relevant for the philological or etymological discussion of the latter. The volume comprises 872 entries and includes (1) names of Iranian people of various kinds (kings, queens, princes, generals, etc.) that occur in Armenian texts, and (2) names of Iranian origin that were/are borne by Armenian people. It includes a huge range of new etymologies or corrected versions of pre-existing etymologies, as well as new names and corrected forms of names discovered in critical texts and voluminous corpora of inscriptions and colophons of Armenian manuscripts that have not been available for earlier researchers of the Armenian onomastics.
Supported by: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) - Projekte
available as


978-3-7001-8808-7, Print, softcover, 31.08.2021
978-3-7001-9023-3, eBook, PDF, limited accessibility, 31.08.2021
1. Auflage
453 Pages
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