
Carnuntum Jahrbuch 2023

Carnuntum Jahrbuch 2023
Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte des Donauraumes
Year of the volume:
1. Auflage, 2024
Das „Carnuntum Jahrbuch. Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte des Donauraumes“ versteht sich als das wissenschaftliche Forum zur Vorlage von Grabungs-, Fund- und Forschungsberichten aus Carnuntum und seinem Einzugsgebiet. Darüber hinaus bietet die Zeitschrift die Möglichkeit zur Publikation von aktuellen Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte des gesamten Donauraumes. Unter den Beiträgen des aktuellen Bandes 2023 finden sich digitalarchäologische Untersuchungen zweier römischer ländlicher Siedlungen im nordöstlichen Noricum, die mit einem vielfältigen Methodenansatz vor allem zwei römische Villae an der Melk erfassten und damit eine Forschungslücke in dem bisher wenig untersuchten Gebiet verringern. Ein forschungsgeschichtlicher Beitrag über Anteil und Bedeutung weiblicher Archäologinnen an der Erschließung des römischen Aquincum (Budapest) in den letzten 130 Jahren zeigt, welche Pionierarbeit Frauen in der Archäologie leisteten. Schließlich werden Genese und Aufgabe des »Forum Donaulimes«, das seit Kurzem mit dem Management der Welterbestätten am westlichen Abschnitt des Donaulimes betraut ist und als operative und kommunikative Schnittstelle fungiert, ausführlich vorgestellt. „Ausgrabungen und Funde“ enthält heuer zwei Beiträge mit Carnuntiner Schwerpunkt: C. Gugl et al. besprechen anhand geophysikalischer Messungen und einer Notgrabung einmal mehr die Entwicklung der Carnuntiner Zivilstadt anhand neuer Ergebnisse und tragen weitere Bausteine zur Vervollständigung der Rekonstruktion des Zentrums bei. I. Beger-Pavić legt Trierer Keramik mit schwarzem metallisierendem Überzug aus dem sog. Peristylhaus der Insula VI in der Zivilstadt vor. Die Fragmente von mehr als 50 Gefäßen enthalten auch Spruchbecher, deren Maltechnik – eine Erfindung Trierer Werkstätten – besondere Besprechung erfährt.
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Home Sweet Home in Northern Noricum
This comprehensive study delves into the intricacies of Roman rural settlements in the Melk Valley, north-eastern Noricum, specifically focusing on the period from c. 50 to 488 CE. Concentrating on two emblematic rural sites within the municipality of Oberndorf an der Melk, Gries and Schachau, the research adopts a multifaceted methodological approach, including site catchment and visibility analyses, alongside the evaluation of soil and geophysical data. By doing so, the study provides profound insights into the structural composition and organisation of these settlements. Highlighting the remarkable complexity and the nuanced socio-economic dynamics underpinning Roman rural life in this region, the paper reveals the adaptive strategies employed to exploit the landscape effectively. Furthermore, it underscores the significance of geographical and environmental factors in shaping the development of rural settlements, offering a nuanced understanding of their role within the broader Roman provincial fabric.
Dominik Hagmann - Engelbert Grubner - Volker Lindinger
10,00 €
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»You don’t have to change the world, but, with a bit of luck it is not impossible.«
The settlement complex of Aquincum has been the subject of archaeological research for more than 130 years. Several female archaeologists have participated in this huge work – some even carried out pioneering work in studying the provincial capital. The first complex topographical studies, those dedicated to the settlement structure of the Civil Town, as well as that of the Military Town, and the very first detailed cemetery analyses or the complex research on the Roman jewellery of Aquincum were all carried out by our former female colleagues such as Klára Póczy, Melinda Kaba, Annamária Facsády and Paula Zsidi. Apart from the scientific work, some of the most important directors of the museum and the archaeological park of Aquincum were women, whose work contributed enormously to the development of the site: conservation of the remains of the Civil Town, iconic exhibitions on Aquincum and modern, visitorfriendly and exemplary developments of the park were all conceived and conducted by female directors of the museum. The paper will take a close look at the life and work of these brave and determined women, who dedicated their entire life to Aquincum.
Orsolya Láng
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Forum Donaulimes
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Ausgrabungen und Funde

Ein Querschnitt durch die Stadt – Teil 2: Chronologie und Struktur der Carnuntiner Zivilstadt auf Basis von geophysikalischen Messungen und der Notgrabung 1976
The origins of the civil town of Carnuntum are still unclear, and research has made no significant progress in recent decades. Theoretical considerations suggest that the oldest areas of a vicus should be located along the main road. Another factor could be the so-called »Leugenzone« around the legionary camp, which was avoided for reasons of property rights. If we assume that the so-called Limes road (S113) was the main traffic route from the beginning, we would have to postulate that the oldest areas of the pre-municipal vicus were under the north-eastern quarter of the later colonia. When the forum was built, parts of an existing settlement were demolished and roads were blocked or relocated to accommodate the new city centre. It is likely that the roads S170 and S193 previously formed a continuous traffic axis. The S114, the cardo maximus of the new town, had to be partially rerouted to the east. Buildings were partially demolished and rebuilt, and in some cases completely cleared. The buildings that stand out from the conventional residential buildings in the immediate vicinity of the forum include a large apsidal hall to the west of the forum, a sacred precinct with a temple to the south of the forum and an unusually large, elongated building to the south-east of the city centre. The north front of this building 65.068 is only about 30 metres from the south-east corner of the forum. The building, measuring approx. 22–24 × 72 metres, forms the central part of an insula and may have served as a schola, a meeting house for a collegium.
Christian Gugl - Silvia Radbauer - Mario Wallner - Eduard Pollhammer
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Trierer Keramik mit schwarzem metallisierenden Überzug aus dem Südbereich der "villa urbana" (dem sog. Peristylhaus) in der Insula VI der Zivilstadt Carnuntum
The occasion for dealing with Rhenish Ware from Trier arose out of the extraordinary discovery of a relatively large collection thereof in the villa urbana (Peristylhaus) in the civil town of Carnuntum. The current material amounts to around 350 fragments with over 50 vessels, including 19 Spruchbecher (beakers and cups bearing a motto). They are very fragmented and in most cases consist of 1 to 3 fragments. The majority of the fragmented vessels found so far belong to the Künzl Group II (before 260–270), a smaller portion of 7 vessels belonging to the Künzl Group I (255–before 260). In addition to previously unknown decorative motifs, the article brings new insights into the painting technique of the Spruchbecher – an invention of the potters and painters in Trier – and their ornaments, and a systematisation of the previously published decors is also presented.
Izida Berger-Pavić
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Page 1 - 59
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978-3-7001-9709-6, Journal, softcover, 20.12.2024
978-3-7001-9708-9, eJournal, PDF (limited accessibility) or EPub (unlimited accessibility), 20.12.2024
1. Auflage
107 Pages
numerous tables and charts, plate section with 59 colour plates
DOI (Link to Online Edition):

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