
Bithynien und Hellespont

Bithynien und Hellespont
Mit 325 Abbildungen auf Tafeln, einer Karte im Text, zwei Karten auf Tafeln und zwei Faltkarten
1. Auflage, 2020
In this volume the Byzantine provinces of Bithynia and Hellespont are treated. They comprise the whole northwest of Asia Minor. The region is especially important because of its position across from the capital of the Byzantine Empire. The shores opposite Constantinople were considered its suburbs, where the emperors and the aristocracy built their palaces and villas and founded many monasteries and churches. Products of agriculture from Bithynia, to a lesser part also from Hellespont, contributed considerably to the provision of the capital with food. The close relations between Bithynia and Hellespont with Constantinople result in a great number of written sources that mention many settlements in the area under consideration. The present volume aims to draw a picture of the region from the point of view of the Historical Geography. For this purpose, written sources are used as well as travel reports from the Early Modern Period onwards, archaeological documentation and observations of the author in the country. In the introductory chapters, the borders of the area, its geography, history, church history, lines of communication and economic conditions are treated by way of an overview. In the main part, the history and/or the archaeological remains of all Byzantine settlements, fortresses, churches and monasteries as well as of mountains and rivers are presented in an alphabetical catalogue. A choice of characteristic landscapes and of ruins and other remains are shown on photographical tables. Added to the volume is a map (scale 1 : 800.000) that shows not only the area comprised in this volume but also the region north of the Sea of Marmara (treated as Ostthrakien by A. Külzer, volume 12 of the TIB), so that the entire “Region of the the Sea of Marmara” with its centre Constantinople is displayed. Densely inhabited areas are also shown on three maps with larger scales.
Supported by: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) - Selbstständige Publikationen
available as


978-3-7001-8329-7, Print, softcover, 03.04.2020
978-3-7001-8509-3, eBook, PDF, limited accessibility, 03.04.2020
1. Auflage
1208 Pages
2 volumes, with 325 illustrations on plates, one map in the text, two maps on plates and two folding maps
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