
Giulia Rossetto

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Giulia Rossetto
is post-doctoral Researcher at the Department of Byzantine Research, Institute for Medieval Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Giulia Rossetto is post-doctoral Researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. She studied Classics at the University of Padua and at the Galilean School of Higher Education, and completed her PhD at the University of Vienna (2019). During her first post-doc (12.2019-11.2020) in the Wittgenstein-Prize Project “Mobility, Microstructures and Personal Agency in Byzantium” she worked on the mobility of books and the people who carry them, with a special interest in the movement of Greek manuscripts from Southern-Italy to Egypt, Sinai, Palestine and Syria. Since December 2020 she is the PI of the project “Priests, Books and the Library at Saint Catherine’s (Sinai)”, funded by the Austrian Research Fund (FWF). Research interests: Byzantine manuscripts, palimpsests, Greek palaeography, codicology, textual criticism, digital humanities.
