
Motoi Ono

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Motoi Ono
is Professor at the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Motoi Ono studied Buddhist Philosophy and Religious Studies at the University of Tsukuba, where he received his MA in Philosophy in 1984. He then continued to study Tibetan and Buddhist Studies as well as Indology at the University of Vienna, where he received his PhD in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies in 1993. He became a permanent lecturer of Buddhist Studies and Indology at the University of Tsukuba in 1999, and a professor in 2013. His research focuses on the logico-epistemological tradition of Buddhism in India and Tibet, with a particular emphasis on the thoughts of Dharmakīrti and Prajñākaragupta. Currently, he is engaged in research on Dignāga and his predecessors.
