
Alessandro Naso

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Alessandro Naso
is Full Professor for Etruscology and Italic Antiquities at the University Federico II Naples
Alessandro Naso (born 1960) studied Archaeology at the University La Sapienza Rome and received his doctorate there. He began his academic career at Udine and Molise Universities. He was Full Professor in Prehistory and Protohistory at the Leopold Franzens University Innsbruck and Director of the Institute for Ancient Mediterranean Studies-National Research Council of Italy (CNR-ISMA). He was Visiting Professor at the Sorbonne University Paris. He received the Bretschneider award for "Architetture dipinte" (Rome, L’Erma, 1996), published intensively about pre-Roman Italy and edited "Etruscology" (1844 pp., Berlin, Boston, de Gruyter, 2017). He is Director of the Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici at Naples. He dedicates his research to the relationships between Etruscans and other people in Italy and elsewhere, with special attention to eastern Mediterranean.
