
Christine Lorre

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Christine Lorre
is Senior Curator of Comparative Archaeology at National Museum of Archaeology (Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France)
Formerly trained in Egyptology at Paris-Sorbonne University and École du Louvre, Christine Lorre has been Senior Curator for the collection of comparative archaeology at the National Museum of Archaeology (Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France) since 1994. Her works focused on the collections coming from Malaysia (Voyage en Malaisie en 1884 by Jacques de Morgan in 2003), Italy (Golasecca in 2009), Egypt or the Caucasian area. As member of the team “From village to State in the Near- and Middle East” (CNRS / ArScAn, Maison René-Ginouvès, Nanterre) since 2012, she was co-director of an archaeological research program in Azerbaijan (2012–2016). She also conducts researches on history of archaeology and scholars who contributed to the development of French archaeology and the national museum of Archaeology: Jacques de Morgan, Ernest Chantre, Joseph de Baye, Henri Hubert and Claude Schaeffer.
