
Edina Dallos

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Edina Dallos
is Associate Professor at the Department of Turkic Studies at ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Edina Dallos was born in Budapest in 1968. She studied Altaic Studies at the University of Szeged. She received her PhD in Comparative Folkloristics from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest in 2006, and wrote her dissertation on Kazan Tatar fairy tales. She completed her habilitation in Budapest on the subject of the beliefs of the Volga-Turkic peoples (Chuvash, Kazan Tatars and Bashkirs). She has lectured at several departments of the University of Szeged (Altaic Studies, Literary Theory, History of Religion) and was a Hungarian lecturer in Baku, Azerbaijan for three years. She is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Turkic Philology at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Her main areas of research are tale theory, early religious forms of Turkic peoples and the beliefs of the Volga region.
