
Carmen Birkle

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Carmen Birkle
is Professor of North American Literary and Cultural Studies at Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
Carmen Birkle is Professor of North American Literary and Cultural Studies at Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany. She was president, vice president, executive director, and international delegate of the German Association for American Studies and served as treasurer for the European Association for American Studies. She was Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at Philipps-Universität (2017–23). Apart from being the author of two monographs – Women’s Stories of the Looking Glass (1996) and Migration—Miscegenation—Transculturation (2004) – and of numerous articles and (co)editor of 17 volumes of essays and special issues of journals, she is also General (Co)Editor of the journal Amerikastudien/American Studies (open access). Her current work is situated at the intersection of American literature, culture, and medicine in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Her contribution to an interdisciplinary project on “Geschlecht—Macht—Staat” focuses on female presidents in U.S.-American TV series. A monograph on Muriel Gardiner is in preparation.
